Faculty Resources
Welcome to the FRC Faculty information hub!
Derek Lerch, Vice President of Instruction - ext. 321
Katie Desmond, Instructional Dean - ext. 361
Ashley Snow, Class Scheduler - ext. 214
Lori Bergum, Administrative Assistant - ext. 242
Please use the forms below to refer students who are struggling academically or to report a student's disruptive behavior.
Student Academic Intervention Referral - This form is to be used to notify the Advising/Counseling staff that a student is having difficulty. Please consider submitting a form on students as early as the second or third week of the semester.
If you need to report a student's disruptive behavior, use the Student Incident Report, which can also be submitted online. For concerns about a student's well-being, contact the campus Mental Health and Wellness Services at 530-283-0202 ext. 205 OR 234.
View or download the FRC Student Intervention and Progress Report Timeline below.
Click below for the FRC Academic Calendars
Coming soon: 25-26
Click below for the Academic Senate/Shared Governance Calendar
For both fall and spring 2024-2025
Click for finals schedule or search anytime using frc.edu/finals.
Absences, Volunteer, and other HR Forms
HR-related forms on absences, etc. are available on the Human Resources web page.
Travel, Bookstore, Purchasing
For forms for travel request, textbooks, purchasing/travel advance/expense. Visit the Business Office for other forms.
Curriculum Development
Please visit the Curriculum Develoment page for materials and resources.
Evaluation Forms
Evaluation forms may be found on the Faculty Evaluation tab at this link, under full-time or part-time faculty sections as appropriate.
Instruction Forms, etc.
- Equipment on Loan Receipt Form
- Directed Study Form
- Independent Study Form
- Lottery Request Form
- Office Hour Schedule Form For Faculty
- Petition-Change of Final Exam Date
- Positive Attendance Form
- Professional Advancement Form
- Release Of Liability & Medical Consent Form
- Request to Meet Class-Off-Site Location
- Student Travel From
Related Board Academic Procedures
- AP4101 Independent Study Contract
- AP4107 Directed Study Contract
- AP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions
- AP5031 Instructional & Materials Fees Template
- AP6535 Use of District Equipment Form and Procedure
Classroom Equipment - Most classrooms include smart podiums that can project multimedia played from classroom equipment or downloaded over the Internet connection. There are labels on the controls of the equipment that indicate how to select sound and video sources. If equipment needs repair, remote controls need batteries, or projector bulbs burn out, please notify Desktop Computing Support at Ext. 206.
Desktop Computing Support, Ext. 206 - Call this extension if you are having trouble with your college computer system, or if you need assistance installing approved software.
Refer a to tutoring services or recommend an exceptional student to become a tutor for your classes at the Instructional Resource Center (IRC). Depending on funding for student workers, the Learning Center will hire your students on a per hour basis to be a tutor. Some restrictions apply on the student’s eligibility. Call the Learning Center at Ext. 254 for more info.
What is Zero Textbook Cost?
California Senate Bill (S.B.) 1359 states Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) course materials “may include open educational resources, institutionally licensed campus library materials that all students enrolled in the course have access to use, and other properly licensed and adopted materials.”
Zero textbook cost (ZTC) also means that students do not incur any costs for purchasing course materials. Zero-cost to the students does not guarantee zero-cost to the institution. For ISP, this means the program is still prepared to purchase materials from the ZTC sites that include binding options, which are a substantial discount. A Low Textbook Cost is $50 or less.
ISP has a few options with ZTC resources. Depending on the resource(s) selected by an instructor, the Office may be able to print copies of ZTC course material to send to students each semester, or instructors can select bound material from some of the ZTC recommended sites, and ISP can work with the FRC Bookstore on ordering these copies.
Faculty Handbook
Feather River College provides high quality, comprehensive student education as well as opportunities for learning and workforce preparation and achievement in a small college environment. The College provides general education, associate and bachelor’s degrees, certificates, transfer programs, and life-long learning for a diverse student population by serving local, regional, national and international students through traditional face-to-face instruction as well as distance education. The College also serves as a cultural and economic leader for all communities that lie within the District and embraces the opportunities afforded by its natural setting.
The goal of the Feather River Community College District is to have a process that is sensitive to both the needs of students, staff and individuals who interact with the college community, and the rights of those against whom allegations have been made.
The policy of the Feather River Community College District is to provide an educational and employment environment in which no person shall be unlawfully subjected to discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical or mental disability or be unlawfully denied full and equal access to or the benefits of, any program or activity that is administered by, funded directly by, or that receives any financial assistance from the State Chancellor or Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
Feather River Community College District, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, lack of English language or age in any of its policies, procedures, and practices; nor does the District, in compliance with Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974, discriminate against any employees or applicants for employment because they are disabled veterans or veterans of the Vietnam era, or because of their medical conditions (cancer related) as defined in Section 12926 of the California Government Code, their ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or marital status.
In conformance with College policy and pursuant to Executive Order 11246 and 11375, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, FRCCD is an equal opportunity employer.
Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of the FRCCD to provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination in its programs, activities, and work environment. Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful sexual discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational environment which offends, causes discomfort or humiliation, or interferes with job or academic performance. (For further information, see AP3430).
Disabled Students
Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S) (Education Code, Section 84850 and Title 5, California Code of Regulations [5 CCR] Sections 56000-56076) were enacted in California in 1976 through the passage of Assembly Bill 77 (Lanterman), which funds support services and instructional programs for students with disabilities in the California Community Colleges (CCCs). DSP&S assists CCCs to provide services and accommodations for students with disabilities that support student success and that meet the requirements of federal and state non-discrimination laws, including Sections 504 and 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA), and state Government Code Sections 11135-1139.5. While all CCCs are required to meet the requirements of Sections 504 and 508, the ADA, and the ADAA, the acceptance of CCC DSP&S funding is voluntary on the part of each college. With the acceptance of DSP&S state funding, FRC has developed an office of DSP&S that is additionally subject to the requirements of state Title 5 regulations and state Government Code Sections 11135-11139.5. Under the federal and state non-discrimination laws, FRC is required to provide appropriate accommodations as requested by any eligible disabled student. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to: Readers, writers, interpreters, mobility assistance, extended time on tests, disability management counseling, assistive/adaptive equipment loan, and assistive technology. Disabled students interested in receiving accommodations should contact the FRC DSP&S office for assistance at ext. 318.
Questions or disputes regarding the college’s compliance with nondiscrimination polices, EEO, Title IX and Section 504/ADA, should be directed to the Director of Human Resources/ EEO Officer, Feather River College, 570 Golden Eagle Ave., Quincy, CA 95971, (530)283-0202, ext. 280.
Discrimination Complaint Procedures
Discrimination and harassment are prohibited at Feather River College in accordance with Federal, state, and local regulations. The prohibition of harassment and discrimination is described in AP 3430, followed by AP 3435, which provides detailed instructions as to how complaints are to be filed and subsequently investigated. AP 5300 provides the protocol for student complaints and grievances.
Academic freedom is defined as the freedom to teach and learn in an atmosphere of free inquiry and expression, including freedom in presenting and discussing subjects, as well as any other relevant matters, including controversial matters, as long as the difference between personal opinion and factual information is clearly delineated. This applies to all members of the Feather River College community: faculty, students, classified and administrative staff, and trustees.
The Board of Trustees recognizes that academic freedom is necessary to the pursuit of truth and supports the principles of academic freedom enunciated in contracts negotiated between the District and bargaining units (e.g. Article 4 on academic freedom, Agreement Between Feather River Federation of Teachers AFT/CFT, AFL-CIO and Feather River Community College District; and Article 4 on academic freedom, Agreement Between Feather River Federation of Teachers, Associate Faculty Chapter, AFT/CFT, AFL-CIO and Feather River Community College District) or, in the case of students, as outlined in the policy on Standards of Student Conduct.
(Source: BP4030)
The Policy
A. It shall be the policy of the District and the Federation to encourage full freedom for faculty to teach, research, and pursue knowledge as set forth in this Article and subject to the applicable provisions of law.
B. In the exercise of this freedom, the faculty member may, as provided in the United States and California constitutions and other applicable laws, discuss his/her own subject or area of competence in the classroom, as well as any other relevant matters, including controversial matters, so long as he/she distinguishes between personal opinions and factual information.
C. Faculty shall be free from unlawful harassment or from unlawful interference or restrictions based on political views.
D. The District shall not interfere with a faculty member’s freedom of speech or use of materials in any teaching assignment, except as allowed by law.
E. This Article is intended to declare the District's and the Federation's intent to allow those activities protected by constitutional freedom of speech and other forms of academic freedom protected by the laws of the State of California and the laws of the United States.
F. Faculty members shall maintain the exclusive right and responsibility to determine grades based upon their professional judgment. When grades are given for any course of instruction taught, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course, and the determination of the student's grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final.
G. The freedom to think, to read, to speak, and to question is necessary to the development of an intelligent citizenry. These freedoms constitute a part of the philosophy of the instructional program at the college and are guaranteed to the faculty.
(Source: Federation of Teachers (AFT/CFT) Contract – Article 4)
Constitution and By-Laws of the Feather River College Academic Senate
Article I - Purpose
The primary function of the Feather River College Academic Senate, as the representative of the faculty, is to make recommendations to the college administration and governing board with respect to academic and professional matters. “Academic and professional matters” refers to the following policy and implementation matters:
1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines;
2. Degree and certificate requirements;
3. Grading policies;
4. Educational program development;
5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success;
6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles;
7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports;
8. Policies for faculty professional development activities;
9. Processes for program review;
10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development; and
11. Other academic and professional matters as are mutually agreed upon by the governing board and the Academic Senate.
(Source: California Education Code, section 70902; Title 5, California Code of Regulations, section 53200)
Article II – Authority
The governing board or its designees will consult collegially with the Academic Senate when adopting policies and procedures on academic and professional matters. This requirement to consult collegially shall not limit other rights and responsibilities of the Academic Senate, which are specifically provided in statute or other Board of Governors regulations.
While in the process of consulting collegially, the Academic Senate shall retain the right to meet with or to appear before the governing board with respect to the views, recommendations, or proposals of the Senate. In addition, after consultation with the administration of the college and/or district, the Academic Senate may present its views and recommendations to the governing board.
“Consult collegially” means that the district governing board shall develop policies on academic and professional matters through either or both of the following methods, according to its own discretion:
1. Relying primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate; or
2. Agreeing that the district governing board, or such representatives as it may designate, and the representatives of the Academic Senate shall have the obligation to reach mutual agreement by written resolution, regulation, or policy of the governing board effectuating such recommendations.
(Source: California Education Code, Section 70902; Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 53200 and 53203)
Article III – Membership
The Feather River College Academic Senate shall include:
1. All full-time, teaching and non-teaching faculty;
2. Two associate faculty, to be elected for a one-year term by the members of the associate faculty at their August meeting;
3. All full-time faculty, as defined by Title 5, are voting members of the Academic Senate.
Article IV – Officers
A. Duties, Powers
1. President. The Academic Senate President shall preside over all meetings of the Academic Senate, represent the Academic Senate to the Board of Trustees and Administration, attend all Board meetings, and serve on the following shared governance committees: Academic Senate Executive Committee, Budget, Cabinet, and Council on Instruction, Curriculum, and Equivalency. The President shall be the representative of the college Academic Senate at statewide Academic Senate meetings.
2. Vice President. The Academic Senate Vice President shall assist the President and shall preside over the Academic Senate meetings and represent the Senate to the Board of Trustees in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall chair the Academic Policies Committee and serve on the Academic Senate Executive Committee. If requested, the Vice President may represent the college Academic Senate at statewide Academic Senate meetings as the designee of the President.
3. Treasurer. The Academic Senate Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues and the disbursement of funds, and shall provide an oral financial report at monthly Academic Senate meetings. Written financial reports shall be provided if requested by the Academic Senate.
4. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Academic Senate President, Vice President, Past President, and Division Chairs. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make policy recommendations in exceptional circumstances, when a convening of a meeting of the Academic Senate is not possible.
B. Elections - Terms of Office
1. All officers of the Academic Senate shall be elected for a term of one year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30. Division Chairs shall be elected for a term of two years, beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
2. Officers of the Academic Senate shall be elected by a secret ballot of the majority of those voting. The names of nominees shall be submitted to the faculty secretary any time after the March Academic Senate meeting. Nominations shall be announced at the April Academic Senate meeting, at which time nominees will have time allotted to them to address the Academic Senate regarding their candidacy. Nominees must have paid their membership dues for the current year in order to be eligible for election to office. Ballots shall be disseminated by the faculty secretary after the April Academic Senate meeting and returned to the faculty secretary no later than one week before the May Academic Senate meeting. Election results shall be announced at the May Academic Senate meeting and the results confirmed by a majority vote of Academic Senate members.
3. Elections for the position of Division Chair shall be conducted as described in the Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, and in accordance with the relevant portions of the Agreement Between the Feather River College Federation of Teachers and the Feather River Community College District, with the following exceptions: Nominees shall address the members of their division regarding their candidacy; voting shall be by secret ballot in the respective divisions.
Any officer of the Academic Senate may be removed from office for malfeasance or nonfeasance of duties. The motion to conduct a vote to remove an officer must receive a 2/3 vote of the entire Academic Senate. The vote to actually remove an officer must be by 2/3 of the entire Academic Senate. If an officer is removed from office, that office shall be filled by a special election of the Academic Senate. If the President resigns or is removed, the Vice President will complete the term of presidency.
Article V – Meetings
1. The Academic Senate shall meet once each month during the regular school year. The Academic Senate President may schedule additional meetings as required.
2. Academic Senate meetings may begin when quorum is achieved. Quorum shall be 50% + 1 of all Academic Senate members. Any Senate member who is on sabbatical or other leave, or who does not have a work assignment of 50% or more in the current semester, shall not be considered in the total number required to achieve quorum. This rule does not affect the right of the Senate member to vote, either in person or by proxy. Once quorum is achieved, the departure of Senate members shall not affect the Senate’s ability to conduct votes, unless quorum is challenged and sustained by a majority vote.
3. To ensure full discussion and debate on all issues, only items designated on the agenda for “action” should be voted on during meetings. A motion to vote on an item not designated for “action” on the agenda shall require 2/3 vote of those Senate members present. If the motion passes, the vote on the item not designated on the agenda for “action” shall require a simple majority.
4. Academic Senate meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order (revised edition, 1990 or later).
Article VI - Dues
Dues in the amount of $50 shall be collected by the Treasurer in September from each member of the Academic Senate. Dues may be used for the following purposes:
1. The Academic Senate Scholarship Fund
2. To purchase gifts, cards, flowers, etc. for a hospitalized Senate member, or in response to the death of an immediate family member (including spouse, siblings, children or parents, or any relative living in the immediate household of the Senate member) in an amount up to $100.00
3. Any purpose approved by a majority of the Academic Senate.
Article VII - Amendments to the Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws
The Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by 2/3 vote of the Academic Senate.
Approved by Academic Senate on 4/12/01
- TBD - Math/Physics
- Baumgartner, Terry - Head Baseball Coach
- Bonnell, KellyAnn - Early Childhood Development
- Brown, Zack - (Interim) Head Rodeo Coach
- Campbell, Susannah - Equine Studies/Agriculture
- Dr. Easley, Becky - Math
- Flett, Dana - Environmental Studies/ORL
- Flett, Saylor - Outdoor Recreation Leadership
- Gooley, Conrad - Head Soccer Coach
- Goulet, Nick -Head Football Coach
- Dr. Grose, Nicole - English
- Dr. Heaney, Thomas - History
- Johnson, Keshawn - Head Women’s Basketball Coach
- Leonhardt, Rick - Business
- Dr. Lombardi, Will - English
- Moore, Nancy - Nursing
- Oertle, Darlene - Nursing
- Olivera, Josh - Studio Arts
- Potter, Monica - EOPS Counselor
- Reid, Russell - Agriculture/Equine Studies
- Smart, Kurt - Chemistry/STEM
- Swarm, Darryl - Library Director
- Tanner, J.P. - Agriculture
- Thompson, Anna - Biology
- Tracy, Bridget - Environmental Studies/Earth Sciences
- Dr. Warren, Gina - (Interim) English
INTERNAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEES (Those on which faculty serve)
The Academic Senate: Functions as the sole representatives of the faculty, for the purpose of making recommendations and “consulting collegially” with the administration and college governing board. The role of the Academic Senate by statute, AB 1725 (1988), and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (53200-53206) is to assume “primary responsibility for making recommendations in the area of curriculum and academic standards.” [CA Ed. Code 70902(b)(7)].
1. The governing board will consider policies for approval, relying primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate in curriculum, degree and certificate requirements, grading policies, and in the hiring of faculty (through the ranking of candidates) [Title 5, 53200(c), 1, 2, 3, & 11] provided that:
a. The Senate will ask for and receive comment from the Superintendent/President for policy under consideration. The Superintendent/ President’s comments will be considered by the Senate prior to final approval.
b. Once approved by the Academic Senate, the policy will be sent to the Cabinet as an informational item.
c. The Superintendent/President will place the policy on the Board of Trustees' agenda for final approval.
2. In all other academic and professional matters the Superintendent/President and president of the Academic Senate (upon a vote of the Senate) shall reach mutual agreement by written resolution. [Title 5, 53200(c), 4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
3. The Board, Superintendent/President, and Academic Senate will review these as defined above on a periodic basis to determine if revisions to this process are necessary. Please see “The Role of the Academic Senate in Academic and Professional Matters,” for further elaboration. [Appendix B, Chapter IV, Board Policy Manual].
- Full-time Faculty
- Part-time Faculty (2)
AP 2510 Participation in Local Decision Making
Reference: Education Code Section 70902(b) (7); Title 5, Sections 53200 et seq; 51023.5; 51023.7; Accreditation Standard IV.A.2, IV.A.5
District Commitment
The Feather River Community College District is committed to shared internal governance. Participation in decision making at the college is achieved through a variety of constituencies and mechanisms.
Continue to review this policy by clicking on the link above.
Students of Feather River College (FRC) are expected to behave as responsible members of the college community and to be honest and ethical in their academic work. FRC strives to provide students with the knowledge, skills, judgment, and wisdom they need to function in society as educated adults. To falsify or fabricate the results of one's research; to present the words, ideas, data, or work of another as one's own; or to cheat on an examination corrupts the essential process of higher education. For more details on this policy, go to this link.
Here are the syllabus standards for instructors to use when constructing course syllabi.
The Faculty Portal (MyFRC) is where instructors can find information regarding their course schedule, enrollments, and end of term grade entry. The link to the Portal, also referred to as Banner, is located on the FRC home page.
To enter the Portal you will need your FRC identification number (900#) and PIN. If you do not have this information, contact Human Resources. As legally required, accessing the Portal will also involve multi-factor authentication, so have your phone and/or email available to follow these security measures.
Here are more detailed instructions on how to access the Portal.
The State of California Education Code, the California Commission on Athletics (COA) and State and Federal Financial Aid programs require that accurate enrollment reports be maintained and reported every semester. The A & R Office relies on faculty to report student attendance information so that these mandated reporting regulations will be accurate - this is done by verifying attendance via census and clean up rosters.
Census rosters are the HEADCOUNT rosters that are reported to the State of California for apportionment and are the only HARD COPY rosters you will receive. Instructors are responsible for verifying census rosters for State reporting.
For all full-term courses, the Admissions and Records Office will provide hard copies to all instructors the third week of the semester.
First/second nine week and short term courses will be distributed according to the Academic Calendar census dates.
Please make sure rosters are returned to the Admissions and Records Office by the due date!
Completing Census Rosters
Students who were enrolled but never attended will be marked as NO SHOWS. Write “NS” next to the student’s name.
Students who attended at least one time, but QUIT ATTENDING as of the census date will be dropped the LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE. Write “DROP” next to the student’s name with the LAST DATE OF ATTENDANCE.
Please sign and date all rosters in ink and return to the Admissions and Records Office by the due date.
If a student is dropped in error, please contact an Admissions & Records Technician immediately so that the student’s record can be corrected. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMESTER. Attempting to reinstate students after the semester ends will delay the distribution of grade reports, could affect the student’s athletic eligibility and financial aid awards, and will delay state reporting and projections.
Clean Up Rosters (any time in the semester)
Instructors will be reminded via email before the second Financial Aid disbursement to drop students who have quit attending. Please see the Financial Aid webpage for information in regards to disbursement dates. To drop students who stopped attending, print a “Summary Class List” from your Faculty Portal, indicate the student who needs to be dropped, write the last date of attendance next to the student’s name, sign and date the roster and submit to the A & R Office for processing.
Entering Final Grades
Final grades are due at the end of the semester for all full-term courses, the following Monday for first and second week courses and short-term courses.
Academic and Grade Symbols
Evaluation of student achievement is made in relation to the attainment of specific course objectives. At the beginning of each course, the instructor will outline the course objectives and explain the basis upon which grades will be determined. Grades from the following grading scale, as approved in AP 4230, shall be averaged on the basis of the point equivalencies to determine a student’s grade point average (GPA). Beginning the Fall 2004 term, grades will be calculated using plus and minus. The highest grade shall receive four (4) points and the lowest grade shall receive zero (0) points, using only the following evaluative symbols:
Grade |
Rating |
Grade Points per unit |
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | Good | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 | |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | Satisfactory | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 | |
D+* | Passing | 1.3 |
D* | 1.0 | |
F* | Failing | 0.0 |
FW** | Unofficial Withdrawal | 0.0 |
* These grades do not denote completion in college-level English, Math, or major requirement courses. ** This grade should only be used if the student stopped attending and did not turn in any work after the Census date. This does not apply to students in the Incarcerated Student Program (ISP). |
The following designations are not included in computing grade point averages, but may be used in determining progress probation and dismissal:
P* |
At least satisfactory completion of course |
NP* |
Less than satisfactory completion of course or failure |
I | Incomplete (see the instructions on how to assign an Incomplete in the MyFRC Portal) |
IP | In progress (class extends beyond term) |
RD | Report delayed (beyond student control) |
W | Withdrawal |
MW | Military withdrawal |
FW | Failing Withdrawal (Stopped attending after last day to drop with a “W” grade) |
* Applies to courses designated as Pass/No Pass |
Also, by law, the instructor is solely responsible for the grades they assign; no instructor may be directed to change a grade except in certain narrow circumstances authorized by Education Code, Section 75224.
Education Code, Section 76224(a). “When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, shall be final.”
Pass/No Pass
Students who do not wish to receive a letter grade may enroll in 3 units (or one class exceeding 3 units) per semester on a Pass/No Pass grading basis.
- (P) - Credit will be awarded for work equivalent to a grade of “C” or better.
- (NP) - No credit will be given for “D” or “F” work.
- Students may not take classes in their majors on a P/NP basis.
- A maximum of 12 P/NP units may be applied toward completion of the Associate Degree at Feather River College.
- Transfer institutions may not accept P/NP classes.
- Once the P/NP form is filed, the designation may not be converted to a letter grade.
Students who wish to be graded on this basis must change their grading option on their Student Portal no later than before the end of the first 30% of the duration of the course.
P/NP grades will be recorded on the student’s permanent record and appropriate unit credit will be awarded.
P/NP grades will not be used to compute a student’s grade point average. However, units attempted for which a NP grade is recorded will be used in determining Financial Aid eligibility, progress probation and dismissal.
Incomplete Grades
An incomplete grade of "I/A, I/A-, I/B, I/B-, etc." with the final grading mode may be given in the event of an unforeseeable emergency and justifiable reason, if a student does not complete all requirements of a course by the end of the academic term.
Students requesting an incomplete grade must contact the instructor and complete an Incomplete Grade form outlining the conditions the student must meet to receive the final grade. Instructors are responsible for submitting the completed Incomplete Grade form to the A & R Office.
Coursework for an incomplete contract must be completed within one year of the end of the semester during which the incomplete grade was posted. If the final grading mode (A, A-, B, B-, etc.) is different than the original posted incomplete grade, the instructor must submit a Grade Change form to the A & R Office with the correct grade.
If a course is structured as positive attendance you must report the number of hours that students attended, even if the student drops the course you can post positive attendance hours for that student. If you're unsure whether or not you're teaching a positive attendance course, please contact Ashley Snow (asnow@frc.edu, x214) immediately to find out if your class is set up as positive attendance. Please use Banner to track and record attendance for this process.
Authorizing a Student to Add Course
Faculty members may allow students to enroll in closed courses. An Add Authorization form with the instructor’s signature must be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office during registration dates for processing. Students will be officially enrolled for the course. Emails from a faculty member will suffice in place of a signature, the email should include the student’s name, ID, course and CRN number.
Petition to Add or Drop a Course Late
Students may petition to register late, be reinstated into a course, or drop a course after the last day to drop. A Petition to Add or Drop a Course Late must be approved and signed by the instructor and the Chief Instructional Officer prior to being processed in the Admissions & Records Office.
Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for prior learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. Students’ knowledge and skills might be gained through experiences such as:
- Military training
- Industry training
- State/federal government training
- Volunteer and civic activities (e.g. Peace Corps)
- Apprenticeships, internships, work-based learning, or other industry-based experiential learning
CPL is not awarded for knowledge and skills already assessed and awarded credit through formal education at regionally accredited in-state and out-of-state institutions.
Credit for Prior Learning through external examinations
Credit for Prior Learning may be obtained by one of the following external examination methods:
- Achievement of a score of 3, 4, or 5 on an Advanced Placement Examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board.
- Achievement of a score that qualifies for credit for prior learning in the College Level Examination Program.
- Achievement of a score that qualifies for credit for prior learning in the International Baccalaureate Program
- Credit for prior learning through internal examinations - Students are eligible to seek "credit for prior learning" through internal examinations in a maximum of 6 unit’s worth of coursework if they:
Students must follow the petition process as outlined below.
- Are currently enrolled in at least one course (other than the course to be challenged);
- Have completed 12 units at FRC. (Units for which credit is given shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an associate degree);
- Have a 2.0 or higher GPA in all college units attempted.
- Assessment approved or conducted by proper authorities of the college.
- Have completed coursework for which an articulation agreement exists between Feather River College and the student’s high school.
Evaluation of Industry Recognized Credential – May be appropriate for some disciplines to award based on industry recognized credentials as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee:
Student must follow the student petition process as outlined below. Enrollment services may grant credit for industry recognized credentials that have prior approval of the department chair or faculty designee. The evaluation process for an industry recognized credential is as follows:
- Student meets with department chair for assessment and further instructions where needed.
- The student submits all industry recognized credentials document to the department chair or faculty designee for assessment.
- If deemed prior certification meets the course content as in alignment with the Course Outline of Record, the department chair or faculty designee shall sign the petition along with a recorded grade, attach industry recognized credentials, and submit to Admissions and Records.
Evaluation of Student Created Portfolios – Portfolios may be appropriate for Career Educations Disciplines and must be recommended by the appropriate Department Chair or Faculty Designee:
- Students must follow the student petition process as outlined below.
- Portfolios must demonstrate the Student Learning Outcomes for the course.
- The student meets with department chair or faculty designee for further instructions for student-created portfolios assessment requirements
- Student submits all portfolio documents to the department chair of faculty designee for assessment of prior learning
Examination Approval
The faculty in the discipline who normally teaches the course for which credit is to be granted, in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Curriculum Committee, shall determine the nature and content of the examination. The aforementioned faculty shall determine that the examination adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the outline of record. The faculty may accept an examination conducted at a location other than the community college for this purpose.
If a course includes extensive writing or laboratory exercises, these will be included in the comprehensive exam. There may be courses for which a comprehensive There may be courses for which a comprehensive exam cannot be developed or administered. It is the responsibility of the Curriculum Committee to determine which course is appropriate for credit for prior learning which will be noted on the Course Outline of Record. Should an instructor deny an opportunity for the student to receive credit for prior learning, the student has a right to appeal to the Chief Instructional Officer. The Chief Instructional Officer will forward appeal to COI (Council of Instruction). The instructor who denied the request will be present for the appeal with the COI committee to help in understanding the decision. The student will be notified of the final decision in writing.
A separate examination shall be conducted for each course for which credit is to be granted. Credit may be awarded for prior experience or prior learning only in terms of individually identified courses for which examinations are conducted pursuant to this section.
Students may only challenge a course by credit for prior learning one time. If they fail the challenge, they will receive an F on their transcript. The student has the option of repeating the course to remove the failing grade.
Credit for Prior Learning Grading
- Grading shall be according to the regular grading scale approved by the governing board, except that students shall be offered a credit-no credit option if that option is ordinarily available for the course. The standards for determining the grades received may differ for credit by exam at the discretion of the faculty member.
- The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency.
Student Petition Process
The student must submit the Petition for Credit for Prior Learning to the Admissions and Records Office within the first eight weeks of the semester.
- The course must be listed in the current catalog.
- If a student has failed a course, he/she/they cannot challenge that course through credit for prior learning.
- Students may not challenge introductory or less advanced courses if they have successfully completed sequential, or the pre-requisite courses, or advanced courses in the discipline.
- The student should not enroll in the course that is to be taken through “Credit for Prior Learning.”
- An instructor qualified to teach the course and who has agreed to supervise the exam must approve the petition. Agreement to supervise the exam is at the discretion of the individual faculty member.
- The student has the option of receiving credit/no credit, or a grade, and the course will be identified as a “Credit by for Prior Learning.”
- When the examination has been completed, the instructor must provide the Admissions and Records Office with the student’s test, copy of the original test, and grade (use the change of grade form).
- Pay the required fees.
Credit by Exam Fee
According to the current credit-by-exam fee schedule, students must pay for the credits being attempted before taking the exam. BOG Waiver students are NOT exempt from this fee and must pay the per unit fee. In the spirit of cooperation with partner institutions the fee schedule may be waived or reduced by the district.
When the examination has been completed, the instructor must provide the Admissions & Records Office with a copy of the student’s test and final grade.
PLEASE NOTE: Examination fees are $20.00 per unit and must be paid before taking the examination.
Students may request that an instructor change a grade recorded in error by completing and submitting a Change of Grade form available at the Admissions and Records Office. Grade changes must be appealed within one year from the end of the semester in which the course was taken.
Independent Study is designed for a student who, due to special circumstances, cannot attend a class as regularly scheduled. A student may only petition for a FRC curriculum approved course. Academic standards, procedures for evaluations of student progress, and access to the instructor are the same as those applied to other credit courses or conducted by other instructional methods. If the requirements of the learning contract are not completed by the designated completion date, a grade of F will be awarded.
- The Independent Study form must be filed in the A & R Office during the first eight (8) weeks of classes.
- The student and the instructor meet collaboratively to initiate the Independent Study contract.
- The faculty member will electronically forward the Independent Study contract to the Administrative Assistant/CIO for review and approval by the Chief Instructional Officer. http://www.frc.edu/instruction/Forms
- The Instruction Office forwards the approved contract to the Instructional Scheduler for assignment of the course registration number.
- The Class Scheduler will forward via email a copy of the final approved contract to the faculty member.
- The faculty member will contact the student to inform them that they may now enroll.
- The student enrolls online in the course and pays all applicable fees.
Directed Study is designed for a student who wishes to take additional coursework in a field of study after having completed sufficient coursework within their field as determined by the faculty member in the discipline and approved by the Chief Instruction Officer. Check the college general catalog for courses numbered 291.
Permission to enroll in overlapping classes is granted under rare and exceptional circumstances. The student and instructor must complete an Overlapping Classes Form and list the dates/days and times that the student will make up the missing hours. Completed forms must be submitted to the A & R Office for processing.
The instructor must directly supervise the portion of the class being made up due to the overlap. Without a completed form being processed by the A & R Office, the student will not be enrolled in one of the overlapping classes. Please check your Faculty Portal to verify that the student is enrolled for your course.
An alternative to overlapping of classes is "Contract Independent Study." By using a contracted independent study the student will sit in on the non-overlapping portion of the class and complete the rest of the hours (the overlapping portion) through independent study which requires indirect supervision of study.
Regular attendance promotes success in class work and students are expected to attend all sessions of each class in which they are enrolled. FRC Attendance Policy is located in AP5070.
Student Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend all meetings of the courses in which they are enrolled. Meetings include regularly scheduled sessions of the course, and other required activities such as field trips, athletic meets, and performance. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify the students of all such required activities early enough in the semester to enable students to attend all meetings.
Students enrolled in online courses are expected to maintain ongoing course engagement in order to uphold positive academic standing with the College and in order to comply with Federal Regulations requiring regular and substantive interaction between students and their instructors. Instructors of distance education classes, especially those that are 100% online, must incorporate drop policies into their syllabus that include the following:
Students must establish a record of participation in academically related activities determined by individual instructors. Activity indicators may include, but are not limited to, taking quizzes or exams online, participating in group work, posting to discussion forums, submitting assignments, watching lectures, and carrying out the requirements set forth by the instructor. A student must have sufficient participation (substantive contact) in the class during the first week, or complete assignments or activities by a given date, to avoid being dropped from the class per Title 5, Section 58004, except if there are extenuating circumstances.
After an absence it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor by e-mail and/or phone message of the reason for the absence and arrange to make up the course work missed. Exceptions may be made for a student who is approved for a disability-related attendance adjustment accommodation. Excused absences for which work may be made up with the instructor's approval include:
(1) Absences due to illness, bereavement, personal emergency, medical appointment; or religious accommodations, and
(2) Absences due to required attendance at approved field trips, performances, or intercollegiate events.
Students anticipating or encountering extended absences due to medical, personal, or family emergencies should contact their instructor and the VP of Student Services or designee.
As a guideline, an instructor may drop a student who has missed three or more unexcused class meetings in a regular semester class that meets two or more times a week or who has missed two class meetings in a class that meets once a week. Instructors teaching classes that meet less than a full semester (summer, winter, short term) may allow fewer absences. Tardiness and/or leaving class early may be treated in the same manner as absences per the class syllabus. Absence guidelines should be published in the course syllabus.
If a student fails to attend the entire first class meeting of a term without prior permission from the instructor, the student may be considered a a no-show and the instructor may give that seat to another student.
If it becomes necessary for a student to take an emergency leave of absence, permission must be obtained from each instructor for an Incomplete Grade prior to the leave request or an Official Withdrawal form must be filed with the A & R Office.
Admission to Feather River College carries with it the presumption that the student will conduct him/herself as a responsible member of the College community. Thus, when a student is admitted to and/or enrolled at Feather River College (FRC), the student likewise assumes the obligation to observe standards of conduct that are appropriate to the pursuit of educational goals. It is expected that each student will obey Federal, State, and local laws; will show respect for properly constituted authority, and will exhibit and maintain integrity and honor in all manners related to the College.
All employees are expected to report alleged violations of student conduct and other disruptive behavior to the Chief Student Services Officer utilizing the Incident Report form. Feather River College may take appropriate disciplinary action when student conduct is deemed by the VP of Student Services or designee to be disruptive to the operation of the College. For more details on the policy, please go to this link.
Instructors who plan to take their class on a field trip, athletic event or other student travel should first contact their Division Chair (Budget Authority) to be sure sufficient funds are available. If funds are available, then a "Travel Request Form and Policy" form (blue form) must be completed, approved, and on file with the Facilities/Maintenance Office prior to ANY travel.
- The "Travel Request Form and Policy" form can be obtained from the Business Office or from the Facilities webpage
- The faculty member is to complete the form in full and must include: budget code, estimated cost of trip, driver's license number, and a copy of the class roster. (The FRC Travel Policy is printed on the back of the form for reference.)
- The form is to be submitted to the Division Chair (Budget Authority) for approval and signature. The Division Chair is responsible for verifying that the budget code is correct and funds are available.
- The form must then be forwarded to the Chief Instructional Officer for administrative approval. The Instruction Office staff will forward the approved forms to the Facilities/Maintenance Office.
To secure a college vehicle, as much advance notice as possible should be given because vehicles are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Call (ext. 307) in the Maintenance Office for vehicle availability. They will pencil you in and tentatively hold the vehicle.
- Complete the "Travel Request Form and Policy" form using the process outlined above.
- Please note that the vehicle will not be considered officially reserved until the “Travel Request” form has been approved and submitted to the Motor Pool Office.
If you plan to contract with another agency for the use of a bus, you must first contact the agency for availability and to obtain a cost estimate. You must then complete: 1) a "Travel Request Form and Policy" form (blue form, with class roster attached) to obtain District approval to travel; and 2) a purchase requisition to encumber the funds that will be covering the costs (attach to the requisition any additional forms that may be required by the agency).
These forms must be completed, signed by the appropriate site manager and/or administrator, and submitted to the Facilities/Maintenance Office a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the date of the trip. Once a Travel Request form has been approved, each student attending the field trip must complete a "Student Travel Release & Agreement to Hold Harmless and Indemnify" form (yellow form). These forms are to be carried with you on the field trip and then are to be in your possession for one year.
NOTE: For classes that take many small field trips locally (in the Quincy area) during lab hours, one Travel Form and a Student Release Form for each student can be filed to cover an entire semester. If you want to reserve a college vehicle for these trips, specific dates and times of all trips must be listed on the Travel Form. If you want to take a chance on vehicle availability you can book vehicles through the Maintenance Office, at extension 307, just before the trip; however, they cannot guarantee a vehicle will be available.
If the instructor would like to request to have the class meet at an off-campus site other than the scheduled classroom, there is a request form that must be completed and approved by the Chief Instructional Officer. Please see Instruction forms at this link.
Basic Field Trip Guidelines
- Whenever possible, trips involving more than four hours should be taken on Saturday or during a holiday period. All field trips must be approved by the Chief Instructional Officer.
- If possible, field trips should be taken during hours regularly scheduled for the class making the trip.
- Field trips that will cause students to miss classes are not to be scheduled during the two weeks prior to the beginning of final examinations unless the classes to be missed are classes taught by the instructor requesting the field trip or the trip is specifically approved by the Chief Instructional Officer.
- Students must go and return in college transportation. The instructor must report violations to the Chief Instructional Officer.
- Instructors must use chartered, contracted, or District vehicles for all trips involving the transportation of students. No student is to be permitted to use personal transportation from campus to a required activity of the college held off campus. Students may use personal vehicles to travel from home to an off-campus location. The Chief Instructional Officer must approve any official college trip other than those made in busses or district automobile.
A person who serves as a volunteer for a field trip must be Board approved (see Human Resources for details). Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and when Board approved, may ride on District transportation and are covered by District liability insurance. Non-enrolled children under 18 years of age may not participate in college field trips. (For more detailed information on Student Transportation, please refer to AP 7400)
The use of a recorder in a classroom requires the instructor’s permission. However, a recorder may be authorized by the DSP&S office for a disabled student whose functional limitation educationally restricts, impairs, or prevents adequate note taking. In this case, a recorder may be used to enhance short or long-term memory, or to aid in auditory processing. Students requiring the use of a recorder as the result of a disability should be referred to the FRC DSP&S Office for assistance.
Auditing a Course
In accordance with Education Code 72252.3 and District Policy, students may audit courses under the following conditions:
- The student has taken the course the maximum number of times.
- Admission of audit students will not result in a credit student being denied access.
- Audited courses do not receive credit.
- A fee of $15.00 per semester unit will be charged except as noted in #2 below.
- Students enrolled in ten or more semester units shall not be charged a fee to audit three or fewer units; they will be charged for units in excess of three at the rate of $15.00 per unit.
- Individuals who are not currently enrolled must either pay the health fee of $18.00 or show evidence of medical and accident insurance.
Registration Procedures:
- Submit a completed “Petition to Audit” form to the Admissions & Records Office before the semester begins.
- Audit petitions will be approved the last day to enroll for classes. If the class is full, priority will be given to students enrolled for credit.
- Audit students will not appear on class rosters.
- Final determination to permit a student to audit a course is made by the Chief Instructional Officer or his/her designee.
Student Responsibilities:
- Students who audit will be expected to participate in all class activities with the exception of examinations.
- Auditors are expected to provide and/or pay for all required course material(s).
Unless specifically exempted by statute, every class for which the average daily attendance is reported for state funding is open to enrollment by any person who has been admitted to the college and who meets established prerequisites. Exception to this policy will be made when safety or legal requirements are limiting factors in the conduct of a course. Students denied enrollment by policy may apply directly to the Chief Instructional Officer.
Concurrent high school students must complete a High School Co-Enrollment Student Permit form with approval from their parent/guardian and school principal and submit to the Admissions & Records Office for processing. Assessment testing is not required for non-academic courses. Concurrent enrollment for an activity course cannot exceed 10% of the total enrollment with an overall enrollment of 5%.
If you need to be absent from class due to illness, accident, injury, personal necessity, an emergency, etc. and cannot cover your class, it is your responsibility to notify the Instruction Office, the class scheduler and the switchboard (in case someone is not in), prior to the class meeting via email or telephone. If a class session must be canceled, we ask that you have students' telephone numbers at hand so that you can try to save them a trip to class especially for those who live out of town. It reflects poorly on the institution when a faculty member does not show up for class without notification of a cancellation. In addition, a "Report of Absence" form must be completed and approved by the VP of Instruction. Absence forms can be accessed through the Human Resources Office, People Admin site. Here are the instructions for accessing the People Admin System.
Full-time Faculty: are allowed 7 Personal Necessity days per year (3 of which can be Privacy Days).
Associate Faculty: are allowed 2/3 of accumulated sick time
Entering Final Grades
Final grades are due at the end of the semester for all full-term courses, the following Monday for first and second week courses and short-term courses.
Academic and Grade Symbols
Evaluation of student achievement is made in relation to the attainment of specific course objectives. At the beginning of each course, the instructor will outline the course objectives and explain the basis upon which grades will be determined. Grades from the following grading scale, as approved in AP 4230, shall be averaged on the basis of the point equivalencies to determine a student’s grade point average (GPA). Beginning the Fall 2004 term, grades will be calculated using plus and minus. The highest grade shall receive four (4) points and the lowest grade shall receive zero (0) points, using only the following evaluative symbols:
Grade |
Rating |
Grade Points per unit |
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | Good | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 | |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | Satisfactory | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 | |
D+* | Passing | 1.3 |
D* | 1.0 | |
F* | Failing | 0.0 |
FW** | Unofficial Withdrawal | 0.0 |
* These grades do not denote completion in college-level English, Math, or major requirement courses. ** This grade should only be used if the student stopped attending and did not turn in any work after the Census date. This does not apply to students in the Incarcerated Student Program (ISP). |
The following designations are not included in computing grade point averages, but may be used in determining progress probation and dismissal:
P* |
At least satisfactory completion of course |
NP* |
Less than satisfactory completion of course or failure |
I | Incomplete (see the instructions on how to assign an Incomplete in the MyFRC Portal) |
IP | In progress (class extends beyond term) |
RD | Report delayed (beyond student control) |
W | Withdrawal |
MW | Military withdrawal |
FW | Failing Withdrawal (Stopped attending after last day to drop with a “W” grade) |
* Applies to courses designated as Pass/No Pass |
Also, by law, the instructor is solely responsible for the grades they assign; no instructor may be directed to change a grade except in certain narrow circumstances authorized by Education Code, Section 75224.
Education Code, Section 76224(a). “When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, shall be final.”
Pass/No Pass
Students who do not wish to receive a letter grade may enroll in 3 units (or one class exceeding 3 units) per semester on a Pass/No Pass grading basis.
- (P) - Credit will be awarded for work equivalent to a grade of “C” or better.
- (NP) - No credit will be given for “D” or “F” work.
- Students may not take classes in their majors on a P/NP basis.
- A maximum of 12 P/NP units may be applied toward completion of the Associate Degree at Feather River College.
- Transfer institutions may not accept P/NP classes.
- Once the P/NP form is filed, the designation may not be converted to a letter grade.
Students who wish to be graded on this basis must change their grading option on their Student Portal no later than before the end of the first 30% of the duration of the course.
P/NP grades will be recorded on the student’s permanent record and appropriate unit credit will be awarded.
P/NP grades will not be used to compute a student’s grade point average. However, units attempted for which a NP grade is recorded will be used in determining Financial Aid eligibility, progress probation and dismissal.
Incomplete Grades
An incomplete grade of "I/A, I/A-, I/B, I/B-, etc." with the final grading mode may be given in the event of an unforeseeable emergency and justifiable reason, if a student does not complete all requirements of a course by the end of the academic term.
Students requesting an incomplete grade must contact the instructor and complete an Incomplete Grade form outlining the conditions the student must meet to receive the final grade. Instructors are responsible for submitting the completed Incomplete Grade form to the A & R Office.
Coursework for an incomplete contract must be completed within one year of the end of the semester during which the incomplete grade was posted. If the final grading mode (A, A-, B, B-, etc.) is different than the original posted incomplete grade, the instructor must submit a Grade Change form to the A & R Office with the correct grade.
Hours: Monday through Thursday - 9:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and Friday - 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (closed on weekends and holidays)
Bookstore Website, Contact Info & Current Booklist: https://www.frc.edu/bookstore
E-book Website: https://frc-store.vitalsource.com/
Many books are available in electronic format. Please direct students to shop on this website and support your local, independent college bookstore. 10% of all sales on this Vital Source website go to FRC Bookstore.
CCCCO Open Education Resources
Cengage Unlimited
This is an e-book program available for purchase in-person at FRC Bookstore. Students can pay a flat-fee of $119.99 for four months to gain access to all e-books published by Cengage Learning. It can also be purchased through our Vital Source E-book Website.
Online Access Codes
FRC Bookstore can order and resell online access codes from most publishers.
Class Supplies
Instructors can request specific class supplies to be stocked at the bookstore, for example calculators for math classes, grid paper for science classes, maps for environmental studies or specific sized notebook journals. These will be ordered based on availability.
Instructor Copy of Textbook
The bookstore does not order complimentary teaching materials for instructors. The bookstore staff will provide publisher information for the instructor to contact the publisher or sales representative directly. Please be advised, complimentary textbooks can take up to six weeks to receive. The bookstore does not loan textbooks.
New Edition of Textbooks
It is the policy of the bookstore to order the latest edition of a textbook (new or used). When possible, the bookstore will notify the instructor of an edition change. It is the responsibility of the instructor to obtain a copy of their textbook in the current edition. The bookstore will provide publisher information.
Textbook Ordering Information
It is the instructor's responsibility to submit online the FRC Bookstore Textbook Adoption Form every semester. In general, the deadline is in April for Summer and Fall book orders, and in November for Spring book orders.
All instructors must complete one Textbook Adoption Form for each class. If you do not plan to order through the Bookstore, then please indicate “0” under Total Number of Books Needed. Please use the Textbook Adoption Form; you can use a spreadsheet for multiple classes, or use whatever works best for you to submit all of the required information on time. Thank you in advance!
The FRC Bookstore Textbook Adoption Form can be found on the website for FRC Bookstore “Faculty Resources: Textbook Orders.”
Reserve Books at the Library
Some textbooks are available on Reserve at FRC Library. Students can checkout these books for two hours to use in the library for studying. There may be grant funding available for this resource.
Textbook Vouchers
Students receiving financial aid assistance account for a large volume of the sales through FRC Bookstore. There are several programs on-campus and off-campus to help with costs of textbooks and school supplies, including EOPS, Equity/SSSP, CalWorks, Workability, Department of Rehabilitation, DSPS, Veterans Services, Alliance for Workforce Development and Burton.
When a student is approved for an on-campus book voucher program, then the student can shop with their voucher at the FRC Bookstore only. By submitting your Textbook Adoption Form on-time, you are helping this population and all students to be better prepared so they can find their required materials on the shelves by the beginning of the semester.
Used Textbook Buyback
Buyback is only done during finals week at the end of each fall and spring semester. FRC Bookstore can pay up to 50% of the purchase price, no matter where you bought your books! No guarantees of the buy back of any book at any time. Bring all CD’s, DVD’s and supplemental materials purchased with your textbooks. No original receipt needed. Highlighting and writing in books OK. No water damaged books.
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday: Computer Lab 4:00pm – 8:00pm (except holiday weekends)
*Summer and academic break hours vary; hours are subject to change due to the pandemic or other disruptions*
Contact: 530-283-0202, x236
Visit online: http://library.frc.edu/library/
Library Facilities – The FRC Library and Learning Resource Center (LRC) is a 9,957 square foot facility designed to support and promote student learning and scholarly research. 104 seats are available for students, faculty, and staff at the study desks, study tables, and in the open areas of the library. The LRC area includes a 30-station computer lab, two A/V equipped group study rooms, and a multimedia room with a film screening area, a language lab for French and Spanish self-study, a 3D printer, and a screen reader with magnification, enhanced contract, and text-to-speech capabilities for vision impaired patrons. The library’s open space, computer lab, and group study rooms are designed to be readily available for students so they can accomplish their learning objectives. Large gatherings, recurring classes, and campus meetings are not regularly scheduled in these spaces, but we encourage you to make an appointment with the Library Director, Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu) to discuss any ideas you have on compatible use of this space.
Library Website and Subject Guides – The library website link is located in the green bar on the FRC website (http://www.frc.edu), and includes an intuitive search box and a 24/7 Chat reference service interface. Also, a useful guide to Faculty Resources is located under the Subject Guides dropdown link near the top left side of the library website. There are also subject guides for each subject area in the curriculum to help students navigate information in their area of interest. Please send any ideas or suggestions for content in your subject guide area to the Library Director, Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu).
Scholarly Research and Library Collections -- The FRC Library has a collection of approximately 25,000 print books and 400,000+ e-books as well as 40 electronic databases with over 170 million articles in 28,000+ full-text journals. The library also subscribes to more than 90 print periodicals including local and regional newspapers, scholarly journals and popular reading magazines. The non-print media collection consists of over 2,600 physical titles along with over 33,000 streaming video titles. All of the books and non-print media can be searched for by author, title, subject, keyword and other categories from the library website, accessiblein the green bar on the FRC campus website (http://www.frc.edu). The full text e-book and electronic database subscriptions are available to anyone with an FRC network account and Internet access using your FRC network or email login and password. Faculty may borrow books for the duration of the current semester. Videos and other non-print media have a one-week loan period for faculty unless other arrangements are made with library staff. Reference materials and periodicals do not circulate outside of the library without special permission but may be photocopied for a fee on the library’s photocopy machine.
Special Requests – If the FRC library does not have a book, video, or magazine/journal article needed by a faculty member, it is likely that outstanding selections may be found in our print book, e-book, streaming video or electronic database collections with the assistance of library faculty and staff. We will also consider book or video recommendations for acquisition or obtain available materials through inter-library load which may involve a fee. Students should make a research appointment with library staff to determine if an Interlibrary Loan request will best serve their needs. Faculty may contact Venice Lombardo, Senior Library Assistant, at 530-283-0202, Ext. 236 if they need a book or article not available directly from the FRC Library. Note: non-print media (DVDs and other video material) are almost never loaned by other libraries.
Reserve Material -- Faculty may request that material be put "on reserve" in the library for in-house use by FRC students. Reserve material is usually an instructor-supplied textbook, a library book for course reading, or a periodical or a video that several students in a class may need access to during a semester. Most reserve material is designated for library use only and is available for use in the library/LRC or the IRC while the student is studying. All personally owned material on reserve is returned to faculty at the end of the semester. Contact Venice Lombardo, Senior Library Assistant, to place material on reserve: 530-283-0202, Ext. 236.
Library Research Instruction -- Faculty are encouraged to make arrangements with the library director for in-class library research instruction sessions on performing general or subject-specific library research. Research instruction sessions usually take 40-50 minutes as students are taught how to find material using the book and media catalog, the library’s numerous subscription electronic databases, and quality Internet resources pertinent to their research topics. The interactive discussion may involve dialogue between the students, instructor and library director on topics like the evaluation of information sources, plagiarism, citation management, selecting a research topic, and discipline-specific resources. Research instruction may also be take the form of a 1-3 hour interactive laboratory session or may cover specialized research techniques that build on research skills developed across the curriculum. Please fill out the Library Research Instruction Request form to arrange for a library research instruction session. It is recommended that you schedule research instruction sessions early in the semester shortly after the research project is assigned.
Suggestions for Library Acquisitions -- Suggestions for improving the collection, whether in the area of books, periodicals or non-print media, are always welcome and often acquired when relevant to the curriculum and the collection. Please email Library Director, Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu), to make recommendations for library resources. Textbooks are not part of library collection development practice, but Student Services has some resources in this area to help students in need. Due to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) restrictions, the library only purchases non-print media which is either closed-captioned or subtitled.
The services of the Printing Center are for the use of college staff for educational purposes only. The Duplicating Center is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays. Typically, the Duplicating Center is available for instructional copy needs until 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
FOR YOUR PHOTOCOPY NEEDS, you are encouraged to leave work in the provided "IN BOX" in the Printing Center. Please attach a job order form (available in the printing center or print center mailbox). You may also email requests to the Print Center staff. Please plan for a minimum two-four hours turn-around time for photocopy requests. Your materials will be delivered to your mailbox upon completion. In order to keep a photocopy machine free for campus staff use in completing small jobs, job requests requiring more than 300 copies total are to be submitted to the print center staff for completion. Most job requests of larger quantities (1,500+) and jobs requiring colored ink will require a minimum of 24 hour notice. Contact the Switchboard desk, in the printing center, at extension 200, regarding large job requests of 1,500+ copies.
COPYRIGHT: Copy work infringing upon the copyright laws will not be allowed. Copyright materials require approval from the publisher.
WHITE PAPER RECYCLING: All white papers are acceptable for recycling with the exception of glossy white paper (advertisements and brochures) and window envelopes with plastic cellophane. Call the printing center (ext. 200) and we will empty your recycle bin.
PERSONAL PHOTOCOPIES: Personal black and white photocopies are 10 cents per copy; 15 cents two-sided, and color copies are 50 cents per copy and $1.00 two-sided.
Canon Photocopier Printing of college materials
Laser Printer/Scanner Transparencies
Spiral Binding Machine Binding of reports, workbooks
Paper Cutter White paper recycling
Heavy Duty Stapler Copyright guidelines
Three-hole Punch Laminating
- FRC letterhead stationery and envelopes
- Colored paper stock, parchment
Feather River College provides health services to all its students through a special agreement with the Plumas County Public Health Agency (PCPHA). This agency is not a full scope medical clinic but provides family planning, physical assessment, referral, counseling, and health education. All services are provided by a licensed health care provider.
Plumas County Public Health Agency offers the following services to FRC students:
- Family planning, pregnancy testing, education, and referral
- HIV & STD testing, counseling, education, and referral as needed
- Immunizations -Tdap, MMR, Flu (if eligible)
- TB skin testing
- Physical assessment and referral
- Health and lifestyle education
Please note:
- Students are responsible for all costs as a result of referral visits, including but not limited to prescription medications, lab tests, x-rays, and any hospital emergency room or patient fees.
- Students must make an appointment with the Plumas County Public Health Agency at 530-283-6330 or 800-801-6330 to receive services.
- Students will be seen Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
- Students must show their FRC ID card with the current semester’s validation sticker to receive health services.
- Students under the age of 18 years must have parental consent to receive services, except family planning services, and must provide documentation of such consent before an appointment is made.
The Plumas County Public Health Agency is in the building complex next to the FRC Residence Hall.
What are all those drives that show up on my computer?
The screen shot above is what you will see when you click on “This PC” on a typical staff or faculty networked computer. If you have a USB (“flash”) drive, it should show up among the removable storage drives a minute or so after you plug it in.
The C: drive is installed inside your computer (it is a “local” drive) and contains most of your files and programs. It is your central storage device, and is the drive you should use to store your documents as you create and modify them (except on Podium computers). Most of the other drives are for adding files or programs from disks, distributing information to others over the network or on a disk, or backup.
Most campus computers can access drives over the campus network. Drives are accessed over the campus network through cables on campus, not the Internet. Networked computers includes all staff and faculty computers, computers in the classroom “smart podiums,” and lab computers. The campus network cannot be accessed over the Internet or the campus wireless system.
Drives are identified with a letter followed by a colon. C: traditionally refers to the main hard drive. The local drives on campus (drives in or attached to your computer) are typically named as follows:
Local Drives
- C: (Drives In or Directly Connected To Your Computer)
- D: Local Hard Drive (Your main storage)
- E: DVD or CD/DVD drive
- Additional DVD or CD/DVD Drive, or USB Drive
If you only have one DVD or CD/DVD drive, the E: drive may refer to a USB (“flash”) drive. You may also see F: and G: drives if you have more than one USB port that can accept a “flash” drive.
Network drives usually start with higher letters, like H: These are drives that you can access over the network but are not attached to or in your computer. Computers have access to different network drives depending on the user account, so if you login to someone else’s computer with your own account, you should see the same network drives as your own computer.
Faculty and staff have an S: drive for sharing files with work associates over the network. Contact IT to request as necessary.
The U: drive (backed up nightly) is for backing up your C: drive. Clicking on the C icon on your desktop will automatically copy any new files you have created from your C: drive to your U: drive. Since the U: drive is not physically attached to your computer, even if your computer failed or was destroyed, your data would be available on your U: drive. Mybackup needs to be set-up for users after they have logged in to the computer, you will need to contact IT for help. At the end of a significant amount of work or at the end of the day, get in the habit of clicking on the “mybackup” icon to make sure your data is safe!
Network Drives - Drives Accessed Over the Hardwired FRC Network)
- S: Use for sharing documents among work associates
- T: Use for distributing documents to students over the campus network
- U: Use to back up your computer by clicking “mybackup” on your desktop
Since all smart podiums in the classrooms are networked and have Internet access, you can gain access to your documents in the classroom by logging in and using the S: or U: drives, or by placing your documents on Canvas and accessing the site through the Internet. You can also store data on a USB (“flash”) drive and plug it into the smart podium computer.
Making Material Available to Students over the Internet
Canvas, our learning management system, is used for all online courses. Please see the FRC main website under “Academics > Distance Education” for information about Canvas training, the project status, and links to resources for using Canvas.
Our Canvas website address is http://frc.instructure.com, 24/7 phone support, a help desk, links to guides and videos on using Canvas, and suggestions from the Canvas community are accessible within Canvas.
Canvas is used by all California Community Colleges through funding from our Chancellor’s Office. This is part of a broader state-wide initiative that includes expanded online student services, an integrated sign-in process for all FRC online services, and improved online instructional support. Call the Assistant Dean of Instruction, at Ext. 361, for further information.
Classroom Technology
Almost all classrooms have a smart podium (a podium with a computer built into it, with Internet access and the ability to project the screen using a video projector mounted on the ceiling). You can display your computer desktop, programs such as PowerPoint, and CD/DVDs played on your computer. Most rooms also have Blue Ray, DVD and VHS players, and an audio amplifier with stereo speakers. For training in how to use classroom equipment, for its maintenance or repair, or for assistance with campus computer hardware or software installation, call Mark Downey, the Desktop Support Specialist, at ext. 206.
All Full-Time and Associate Faculty must use an FRC email account in their teaching capacity. This will facilitate timely communications on college-related matters. The form required to open an account is included with new hire paperwork, and is also available in the Human Resources office. Please contact Juanita Lujan, at extension 257, for any questions.
REMINDER - In order for the various updates to occur on your computer, it is imperative that you sign out every day before you go home. Do NOT turn your computer off (shut down).
How to Login to your Faculty Portal
To access your Faculty Portal, go to the FRC homepage, www.frc.edu, click “MyFRC”.
- Enter your “User ID” 900xxxxxx and “PIN” and click “Login”.
- If you forgot your “PIN”, click the “Forgot PIN?” button and the system will ask you your security question and reset your “PIN” to your six-digit date-of-birth (mmddyy). Follow the instructions to continue.
- Click the “Faculty” tab or the “Faculty and Advisors” link.
- Click the “Term Selection”.
- Click the drop down box and select the appropriate semester. Outdoor EDUC 107 click “Spring 2014” and EDUC 108 click “Summer 2014”. Click “Submit”.
- Select “Final Grades”.
- Using the “Grade” drop down box select P or NP grade and enter the Positive Attendance Hours for each student in the “Attend Hours 0999.99” field. (Last Attend Date is not required)
- Click the “Submit” button to post grades and positive attendance hours.
- Return to “Step 3” for additional courses.
Board of Trustees and Foundation Board
- Board of Trustees - www.frc.edu/administration/board-of-trustees
- Foundation Board - www.frc.edu/foundation/board-of-directors
Forms and Where to Find Them
- Instruction Office - www.frc.edu/instruction/forms
- Admissions - www.frc.edu/admissions/forms
- Human Resources - www.frc.edu/humanresources/forms
- Business Office (go to appropriate areas for form) - www.frc.edu/businessservices/
Instructional Resources
- Catalog (current and archived) - www.frc.edu/instruction/catalogs
- Learning Resources - www.frc.edu/instruction/learning-resources
- Faculty Resources (including calendars, evaluation info, etc.) - www.frc.edu/instruction/faculty-resources
- SLO Assessment - www.frc.edu/instruction/sloac-info
- Curriculum Development - www.frc.edu/instruction/curriculum-development
- Distance Education - www.frc.edu/distanceeducation/index
Student Services
- Student Services, Support Programs, and Student Life - www.frc.edu/studentservices/studentlanding#Sec1
- Admissions and Records - www.frc.edu/admissions/index
- Advising - www.frc.edu/advising/index
The College seeks to provide an environment which is conducive to study and work. Children must be actively supervised by their parent, guardian, or responsible adult at all times when they are on college properties.
Due to safety and liability issues, except as otherwise defined in AP3519, under no circumstances may unsupervised children be on college properties, including playing, roaming, and occupying campus grounds or buildings. Any College employee who finds an unaccompanied child on college properties should inform Campus Safety of the location of the child and follow the procedures described in AP3519.
In the event of an emergency, contact the Day/Evening Administrator, call 911 or the Switchboard for assistance and follow the appropriate procedures outlined below.
It is your responsibility as an instructor to be prepared if there were an emergency while class is in session. Be sure that you know where the nearest Telephone, First Aid Kit (see Appendix C for a location list), Bodily Fluid Clean-Up Kit (see Appendix C for a location list), and Emergency Exits are located. There is also a campus map outside of each classroom to use in case of evacuation.
In case of a fire, have students evacuate out of the nearest/safest building exit and proceed down to the nursing parking lot or to “the green” Depending on where your classroom is located. Make sure students are a safe distance from the fire, stay clear of emergency vehicles, render first aid as necessary, and keep access roads open for emergency vehicles.
In case of a bomb threat, have students evacuate out of the nearest/safest building exit and proceed down to nursing parking lot or to “the green” Depending on where your classroom is located. Do not touch or move any strange objects and advise others not to.
In case of an earthquake take a “protective position” and instruct your students to do so. A “protective position” means drop to knees, cover eyes, clasp both hands behind neck, bury face in arms, and cover ears with forearms. Keep back from windows and get under a desk, if possible. Once the earthquake is over, leave the building and do not allow anyone to return until it has been declared safe by security/safety officers. Avoid fallen electrical wires and do not use anything that will cause a flame due to potential chemical/gas leaks. Render first aid as necessary.
In case of a security/safety emergency after 5:00 p.m., contact the Evening Administrator immediately. Security emergencies include, but are not limited to, drunk/disorderly and/or threatening person(s) on campus, security alarm sounding, and individual(2) with weapons on campus, etc. If there is an immediate threatening situation whether it be a student behavior issue or a physical threat (e.g. fire, flood or a personal threat or danger) call 911 immediately.
In case of an accident/injury, please follow the procedure appropriate to the situation as outlined below.
STUDENT ACCIDENTS/INJURY (Student in Student Role):
For a student who is officially enrolled at FRC and sustains an injury/accident during course of regular programmed hours and/or approved college sponsored activity, the following would apply:
- Immediately, student and college instructor/official must complete and file the Accident/Injury Report form and Student Insurance Claim forms. Make sure the forms are complete, accurate, and detailed. Student athletes insurance claim forms go to athletics. All other forms go to Human Resources.
- Submit the completed forms to the Human Resources Office as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Student Insurance Claim forms are available at the Human Resources Office or from an Evening Administrator.
The College provides students with limited secondary accident insurance coverage in the event of an injury occurring in the course of a college class or activity. All such accidents should be reported immediately to the Athletics’ Office or the Human Resources Office. It is the student’s responsibility to file any insurance claims with their primary carrier, then with the secondary accident insurance. Claim forms, and general information are available at the Office of Human Resources.
STUDENT ACCIDENT/INJURY (Student in Student Employee Role):
A student who has been appropriately hired as a student employee and authorization to begin work activity has been issued by the Human Resources Office who sustains an injury/accident during the course of their duties as a student employee for the District, the following should apply:
- Immediately, Student and Supervisor/official must complete and file appropriate Workers’ Compensation Claim forms and the Accident/Injury Report. Make sure the forms are complete, accurate, and detailed.
- Submit the forms to the Human Resources Office as soon as possible after the incident has occurred.
- Workers’ Compensation Claim forms are available from the student’s Supervisor, the Human Resources Office, or from an Evening Administrator.
- Immediately, Employee and Supervisor/official must complete and file appropriate Workers’ Compensation Claim forms and the Accident/Injury Report. Make sure the forms are complete, accurate, and detailed.
- Submit the forms to the Human Resources Office as soon as possible after the incident has occurred.
- Workers’ Compensation Claim forms are available from the employee’s Supervisor, the Human Resources Office, or from an Evening Administrator.
Feather River Community College does not provide treatment or medication for illness or injury. However, it is the responsibility of the instructor/supervisor to seek first aid for an injured or ill person and see that transportation to medical care is made available.
In an effort to provide a drug-free learning environment, FRC has adopted a drug-free policy that applies to all aspects of the college. As a responsible member of this community, we ask you to support a drug and alcohol free learning environment by being aware of the policies, legal consequences and health risks of abuse. We ask you to familiarize yourself with the policy (see BP/AP 3550)
The nature of some courses, events and activities pose a higher risk of injury than in standards courses, events and activities. As an extra measure of liability protection to the District, each student within such a course or activity will be required to complete a Hazardous Class, Event, Sport or Activity Release of Liability form. It is the responsibility of the instructor to be sure every student completes a form. All forms are then to be stored with the instructor of record for the duration of the course.
Loan of District equipment shall be made to District employees only for the completion of District business. Such loan of equipment to a faculty member may only be made upon the prior written authorization of the Chief Instructional Officer and upon filing of an “Equipment on Loan” receipt in the Instruction Office.
Loan of instructional equipment to students may be made only upon the prior written authorization of the Chief Instructional Officer and filing an “Equipment on Loan” receipt in the Instruction Office. A security deposit may be required at the discretion of the Chief Instructional Officer. Instructors that have instructional equipment that is loaned to students on a semester basis (i.e. cameras, binoculars, lab equipment) please see Virginia Jaquez, in the Instruction Office, to process the appropriate form. She will also assist with follow-up on the return of equipment. Students that have filed an “Equipment on Loan” receipt with the Instruction Office will have their FRC transcripts placed on hold until all equipment has been returned in the same condition as when received from the District. Use of District equipment for personal use is prohibited.
Mail boxes are located in the Administrative Building near the President’s office and are provided for all full-time faculty and staff as well as the part-time faculty who have on-campus classes. Part-time instructors who have mailboxes should check their box regularly so that dated material and requests are picked up in a timely fashion and handled accordingly. Off-campus instructors will receive their materials and correspondence by direct mail.
The Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) is the tax paid for hotel or motel accommodations. This tax varies from city to city but often exceeds 10%. Most locations throughout the United States have included language in their TOT ordinance that specifically exempts the employees of federal or state agencies from paying this tax when traveling on official business. When traveling on college business, complete the ‘Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver Exemption Claim for Government Agency’ form and present it to the hotel/motel registration clerk at the time of registration. Most locations will accept this exemption and waive the tax.
For more detailed policy information, see FRCCD Board Policy, Chapter 7, Article 7.1, Sections 7.1.11, Staff Transportation, and Section 7.1.12, Staff Travel.).
Planning ahead is key when it comes to purchasing, receiving an advance, or a reimbursement. The following is an outline of the process for purchasing and reimbursement to be followed by all faculty. This will give you a guideline of how the paperwork should flow through your department to ensure accurate recordkeeping and adherence to the college’s policies and procedures. Please be familiar with and follow them both as it will expedite your purchasing and reimbursement requests.
Please contact your Division Chair for preparation of processing through department management for approvals should you have any questions. Travel Request Form is available from the Facilities Department. Appropriate approval signatures are required from the Budget Authority. Please allow ample time for approval.
Travel Request Form and Policy (Blue Travel Form) – See Attachment A
This form is required for any type of travel for college business and it is important for liability issues should an accident happen. It must be completed, approved, and on file with the Facilities Office prior to ANY travel, even if a College vehicle is not being requested.
- Fill out form completely and including the following:
- Name, Departure/return info
- Location/reason for trip
- Budget code/cost estimate
- Green Honda - .60¢
- Gold Honda - .72¢
- Bus 218/245(blue/white) – 2.10¢
- Vans - .80¢
- Other Service Vehicle. - .80¢
if you are taking a college vehicle for your trip, you will be charged for the mileage from your budget travel codes. Please estimate the cost of the motor pool charges by multiplying the mileage by charges set by Maintenance as noted below and enter on “Maximum estimated cost of trip” section. See Attachment C for list of miles to commonly used destinations.
- List all drivers/passengers
- Type of vehicle used/request for college vehicle – Please note, in order to drive one of the college vans, you must first complete our Van Driver Safety Training Class. Please contact Facilities to schedule a time to take the class if you haven’t already done so.
- Classes missed/class coverage (if applicable)
- Signature and list of all drivers’ license and phone number (including yourself and/or any other drivers who will be driving)
- Submit the form to your Division Chair (Budget Authority) for approval and signature. The Division Chair is responsible for verifying that the budget code is correct and funds are available. The form must then be forwarded to the Chief Instructional Officer for administrative approval. The Instruction Office will forward the approved form to the Maintenance Office.
To secure a college vehicle it is advised that you first call the Facilities Administrative Assistant, in Maintenance (Ext. 307) for vehicle availability. They will pencil you in and tentatively hold the vehicle while the “Travel Request Form and Policy” form is being processed. The vehicle will not be considered officially reserved until the “Travel Request Form and Policy” form has been approved and submitted to the Maintenance Office. If your form is not completed correctly, it will be returned to you causing further delay.
Please go to this link for the most current Purchasing process and forms noted below: www.frc.edu/businessservices/purchasing All forms must be routed through the Instruction Office for approval.
Travel Expense Vouchers - See Attachment B
Travel Expense Vouchers are used to request a travel advance or to request reimbursement of expenses upon returning from a trip. They may not be used to request reimbursement for the purchase of supplies or other non-travel expenses.
Travel Advance Request
To receive funds ahead of travel. ALLOW 2 WEEKS PROCESSING TIME, SO PLAN AHEAD!
- Your original Travel Expense Voucher will be enclosed with your advance check. Use it to submit an expense report, which is due within 10 days of your return.
- Failure to submit expense reports on time may result in loss of privilege and/or future advances being held until past expense reports are reconciled and turned in.
Expense Report
Hotel receipt must itemize charges (room charge, tax, fees). A room folio with a zero balance showing is an acceptable receipt. Please ask for one when checking out.
Meal Per-Diem
- Breakfast - $13.00 (Travel must begin before 7AM)
- Lunch - $14.00 (Travel must begin prior to Noon)
- Dinner - $23.00 (Travel must begin prior to 6PM)
If you have a problem or if in doubt, call the Purchasing Agent at ext. 231
Paarking passes are obtained from the Business Office. Please have your make and model of vehicle, and license plate number when requesting a parking permit. The cost of employee parking permits are:
- 50% or greater - $40 annual, $20 per semester, $5 Summer Session
- Less than 50% - $20 annual, $10 per semester, $2 Summer Session
Parking passes are to be placed on the left front dashboard or hung on the rear view mirror.
Guest Parking is located on upper campus. Please make arrangements with the campus switchboard or in the adminsitration offices (both located on upper campus) in advance to mail or hand deliver parking pass. (The complete Vehicle Use, Parking, and Traffic Policy can be found in the AP 6750).
Admissions and Records Office
The mission of the Admissions & Records Office (A & R Office) is to be a vessel of information and knowledge that will enhance and support the diverse community we serve. We provide information to students, faculty and staff about admissions requirements, policies and procedures, student accounts, and athletic eligibility. We retain and maintain all student permanent records and faculty rosters.
The A & R Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our office is located with the Financial Aid Office within the Student Services Center. Check out the A & R webpage where you will find the Academic Calendar, international student information, residency requirements, and A & R forms.
Faculty Evaluation Overview and Resources
Forms and timelines for those being evaluated and the evaluators can be found in the Full-time and Part-time sections below.
Note: deadlines for full-time and part-time faculty differ; please review the timelines and plan carefully.
-The collaborative process will consist of these written evaluations:
- Self (see form under either FT or PT below)
- Peer/panel (see form under either FT or PT below)
- Student (in class forms or online survey as apropos; ISP students will receive physical forms)
- Administrative
-Please include with theSelf-Evaluation form the following instructional materials:
- Course syllabi
- Evidence of assessment of SLOs
- Course evaluation instruments (document that help you evaluate your students such as tests/assigment examples, workout routines, etc.)
-Peer evaluator(s) and the CIO will visit one of your classes separately as part of the process, either in-person or online as apropos
(see timelines below for FT and PT faculty).
All of the above materials will be provided to your peer/panel to assist them with their review component.
These processes are guided by the Collective Bargaining Agreements for Full-time (Articles 12 and 13) and Associate Faculty (Article 6).
All completed self-evaluations as well as peer/panel evaluations will be uploaded to SharePoint; see AF and FT sections below.
Faculty being evaluated and their peer/panel members will receive communications from the Instruction Office throughout the process. Questions may be directed to Adminsitrative Assistant, Lori Bergum at lbergum@frc.edu or CIO, Derek Lerch at dlerch@frc.edu.
Full-time Evaluation Timeline - Spring 2024
Please mark the deadlines your calendar as necessary.
Evaluation Timeline Deadlines
- Notification of evaluation - by end of the first week of semester
- Student Evaluations – Friday, April 12
- Self-evaluations – Friday, April 19
- Peer/panel evaluations – Friday, May 3
- Finalized - June 15
Timeline Overview (see firm deadlines above)
- Peer and CIO classroom visits occur during the 9th – 12th week, between March 18 - April 19
- Student evaluations 9th – 11th week of instruction, March 18 - April 12
- In-person/hybrid classes - faculty will receive packet in mailbox for distribution
- Self-evaluations are due the 12th week of instruction
- Peer evaluations are due the the 14th week of instruction
- CIO meetings with evaluatees (for summary reports) during May 6-17
Forms and SharePoint
All forms will be uploaded to SharePoint. Each evaluator and each evaluatee will be sent a link by Lori Bergum to an exclusive SharePoint site to upload forms. Please check your email for your assigned folder links as you cannot navigate through SharePoint due to confidentiality restrictions.
FT Self-Evaluation Form
FT Peer/Panel Evaluation Form
Counselor (FT Fac) Peer/Panel Evaluation Form
Associate Faculty Evaluation Timeline - Spring 2024
Please mark the deadlines your calendar as necessary.
Evaluation Timeline Deadlines
- Notification of evaluation - by end of the first week of semester
- Self-evaluations – Friday, March 29
- Student Evaluations – Friday, April 12
- Peer evaluations – Friday, April 26
- Finalized in HR - June 15
Timeline Overview (see firm deadlines above)
- Peer and CIO classroom visits occur during the 9th – 12th week, between March 18 - April 19
- Student evaluations 9th – 11th week of instruction, March 18 - April 12
- In-person/hybrid classes - faculty will receive packet in mailbox for distribution
- Self-evaluations are due the 10th week of instruction
- Peer evaluations are due the the 13th week of instruction
- CIO meetings with evaluatees (for summary reports) during May 6 - 7
Forms and SharePoint
All forms will be uploaded to SharePoint. Each evaluator and each evaluatee will be sent a link by Lori Bergum to an exclusive SharePoint site to upload forms. Please check your email for your assigned folder links as you cannot navigate through SharePoint due to confidentiality restrictions.
Online - Faculty may be assigned to evaluate an instructor (full-time or AF) who teaches online. Peer evaluators will “visit” the online course area during the classroom visitation dates in the evaluation timeline. Peer evaluators should reach out to the evaluee and ask to be added as an “observer” to their Canvas course(s). If they need help doing this, they should contact the office of the Assistant Dean of Instruction.
ISP - Evaluating faculty who teach in the Incarcerated Student Program is also a unique process. The instructor’s self-evaluation material, and their course materials will be emailed to peer evaluators. As with all evaluations, peer evaluators will go to the Office of Instruction to review student course evaluations and samples of the instructor’s feedback to students that are provided by the ISP Office.
After reviewing the material, complete the evaluation, email it to the evaluee, and set up a time to confer about the evaluation. For instructors out of the area, this should be over the phone or via Zoom.
See the AF section above for the process timeline, forms and other directions.
- Catalog
- Curriculum Development
- Degree Programs
- Distance Education
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Faculty Directory
- Faculty Resources
- Rising Scholars/Incarcerated Student Program (ISP)
- Instructional Resource Center (IRC)
- Instructional Service Agreement Partners
- SLO Assessment
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Zero Textbook Costs
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