About the Program 

Social Justice Studies is an examination of racism, classism, patriarchy, and other forms of oppression from interdisciplinary perspectives of ethnic studies, gender and queer studies, environmental justice, and public policy. This degree emphasizes understanding the different ways power and privilege work in our society in order to create a better world. The field explores and analyzes history, culture, and contemporary issues and how societies can better define and achieve equity, fairness, and justice.
An Associate in Arts in Social Justice Studies for Transfer (AA-T) is intended for students who are interested in transferring to a California State University (CSU) campus with a major in Social Justice Studies, or similar majors such as Black or African American studies, Latinx/Chicanx studies, Asian/Asian American studies, gender and sexuality studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies, or fields like sociology, history, political science, psychology, English, or cultural studies. and the marginalization effects on groups and communities.
Students planning to transfer to institutions other than the CSU are encouraged to consult ASSIST.org and an FRC academic advisor for program planning and course selection.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Social Justice program coursework, students will be able to:
Demonstrate familiarity with theoretical perspectives, concepts, problems, institutions, history, and trends within the field of social justice.
Explain how the diversity of lived experience impacts human expression and identity.
Analyze social justice efforts/practices that address inequalities in American society.
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