Financial Aid Forms
Submitting Forms/Documents
Per the U.S. Department of Education Cybersecurity regulations, our office cannot accept any documents which contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) via email. Document(s) sent to our office via email containing PII will not be accepted AND will be destroyed without notice.
Student Services Buidling
Financial Aid Office
Feather River College
Attn: Financial Aid Office
570 Golden Eagle Ave.
Quincy, CA 95971
(530) 283-4659
If you are unsure what form(s) you need, please check your Financial Aid Status in the MyFRC Student Portal. If you have questions about your financial aid file and/or the forms you are required to submit, please contact our office. MyFRC Instructions on how to view your award, find your requirements to complete and more available here!
Student's planning to attend Feather River College should be advised that we can only discuss financial aid with the student. If the student would like to authorize someone else to have access to their information, they must complete and submit the appropriate Student Information Release (FERPA) form for the academic year in which the student is attending.
2024-2025 Academic Year
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Semesters: Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025
2024 - 2025 Financial Aid Forms
If you are a California resident and you completed the FAFSA or CADAA Application, you do not need to also submit this paper application.
The paper application is used for both CA residents and AB540 residents that were unable to or chose not to complete the FAFSA or CADAA Application. If the household income is above the Income Standards for California College Promise Grant-B, we encourage you to complete the FAFSA or CADAA Application as those applications base your eligibility on your unmet need.
Financial Aid Comparison Worksheet - this is designed to help you when applying for financial aid at more than one school. Use this to see which award package best suits your needs.
Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
A student shall become ineligible for a California College Promise Grant if the student is placed on Academic or Progress Probation, or any combination thereof, for two consecutive primary terms (fall, spring). Loss of eligibility shall become effective at the first registration opportunity after such determination is made.
Notification of Academic or Progress Probation Status
Students will be notified by email of their placement on Academic or Progress Probation no later than thirty days following the end of the term that resulted in the student’s placement on probation. The notice will clearly state that two consecutive primary terms of probation will lead to a loss of the California College Promise Grant until the student is no longer on probation.
Notification of Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students will be notified by email that they are no longer eligible for a California College Promise Grant, after being placed on Academic or Progress Probation for two consecutive primary terms of probation.
Appeal Process for Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students may appeal the loss of a California College Promise Grant due to extenuating circumstances, or when a student with a disability applied for, but did not receive, a reasonable accommodation in a timely manner. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances that might include documented changes in the student’s economic situation or evidence that the student was unable to obtain essential student support services. Extenuating circumstances also includes special consideration of the specific factors associated with Veterans, CalWORKs, EOPS, and DSPS student status. Foster Youth shall not be subject to loss of California College Promise Grant due to placement on Academic or Progress Probation.
Students may appeal for reinstatement of their California College Promise Grant eligibility by completing a “California College Promise Grant Appeal Form”. The Financial Aid Appeal Committee will review each complete and timely appeal and will make a decision whether or not to approve the appeal and to restore the student’s eligibility to receive the California College Promise Grant at FRC. The student will be notified of the decision by email. Committee decisions are final.
Students whose appeals are approved are eligible to receive the California College Promise Grant during the semester that he/she lost California College Promise Grant eligibility.
Regaining Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students who do not appeal or whose appeal is not approved, will not regain eligibility for the California College Promise Grant until they are no longer on Academic or Progress Probation, or after not attending FRC for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring).
- guaranteed, fair and equitable treatment in the awarding of financial aid. Appeal procedures exist for anyone who feels that a violation of the above has occurred. Contact the Financial Aid Director.
- receive full and open information about various financial aid programs and their eligibility for them. They have the right to know the selection and review process used to award financial aid.
- know the cost of attending Feather River College, the refund policies in case of withdrawal, the academic programs offered by the college, the faculty, physical facilities of the institution, and the data regarding student retention.
- know what portion of the financial aid they received must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, they have the right to know what the interest rate is, the total amount that must be repaid, the pay back procedures, the length of time they must repay the loan, and when repayment is to begin.
- to know how the school determines whether they are making satisfactory progress and what happens if they are not.
- To examine their own file's contents.
- have portions or all of their financial aid material or information forwarded to other institutions or agencies upon their own release.
- review and consider all information about the school's program before they enroll.
- pay special attention to and accurately complete the application for student financial aid. Errors can result in lengthy delays in receipt of financial aid. Intentional misreporting of information on application forms for federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.
- return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or added information requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which the student submitted applications.
- read and understand all forms that they asked to sign and keep copies of them.
- define a purpose, intent, or goal by filing with the college a specific educational objective identifying a degree, a certificate, or intent to transfer to another school.
- carry and complete a specific number of units each semester, report graduation or withdrawal, and notify the Financial Aid Office of changes in financial status, marital status, or unit load.
- accept responsibility for all agreements signed.
- use the funds only to meet educational costs. Any other use of funds is prohibited by law.
- understand loan obligations. Accepting student loans means that the student is pledging future earnings to pay for college costs. Read the conditions of the loan carefully, noting particularly the minimum repayments that will be required. If application for student loan is recommended to meet remaining need, students do not need apply, and are recommended to not apply, if they feel they can get by without it.
- notify the lender of changes in your name, address, or school status, if you have a loan.
- know and comply with your school's refund procedures.
- maintain good class attendance in keeping with institutional attendance policy as defined in the college catalog.
- be punctual to work hours agreed upon, if employed under student work programs. When ill, students must report the nature of absence to their supervisor at the earliest opportunity. If terminating employment, students must report to the supervisor and the Financial Aid Office.
- know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
- maintain repayment of educational loans or grants. The law requires that we deny financial aid to those who are in default on a loan or in repayment on a grant.
- be responsible for petitioning for reinstatement immediately upon application if a student applies for financial aid while on disqualified status.
- Home
- Types of Financial Aid
- How to Apply for Financial Aid
- Finish Line Scholars Program
- Financial Aid Workshops
- Cost of Attendance
- Financial Aid TV (opens in new window)
- Plumas Pipeline
- Unusual Circumstances
- NextUp / Foster Youth
- UndocU
- Veteran Services
- Forms and Policies
- Important Dates
- Resources
- Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment
- Consumer Information
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