Degrees and Certificates
A.S. in Environmental Studies
Students majoring in environmental studies are trained to work in wildland and natural resources management. Students have flexibility within the major to focus their courses and education on: 1) forestry, 2) fire and fuels management, 3) wildlife management, 4) fish and hatchery management, 5) watershed restoration, or 6) sustainable farming.
A.S. in Environmental Science
Students majoring in Environmental Science will be trained in the fundamentals of science as it applies to environmental issues.
Certificates of Specialization
In addition to pursuing an Associate's Degree at Feather River College, students can pursue certificates, which can be attained instead of or along with the major. These certificates are designed with seasonal employment in mind.
Certificates Include:
- Biological Science Technician (Wildlife Focus)
- Fire and Fuels Technician
- Forestry Technician
- Hatchery Technician
- Hydrology Technician
- Ecological Farming Certificate
Biological science, forestry, and hydrologic technician certificates were designed to ensure completers have the coursework required to be eligible for employment at the G.S. 4 level within the US Forest Service. The fire and fuels certificate is also designed to provide students with the required course work and NWCG certifications to allow them to work for the USFS on fire and fuels crews. The hatchery technician certificate was designed to prepare completers for seasonal employment at California Fish and Wildlife hatcheries. The ecological farming certificate was designed with the input from owners of local farms, and is designed to give students the necessary skills to run a small-scale, sustainable farm.

- Environmental Studies Home
- Ecosystem Restoration & Applied Fire Management Bachelor's Degree
- Degrees and Certificates
- Paid Work Experience
- Job Board
- Meet the Faculty and Staff
- Forest Health & Fuels Management
- Fish Hatchery
- Eco Farming Program
- Quick Reference Fact Sheet
- Social Media and Photos
- Recruitment Adventure Days (RAD!)
- Commercial Driver Preparation
- Blog
- Frequently Asked Questions
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