Distance Education
Online Teaching at FRC
New to Online Teaching?
Learn what to expect and how to excel when teaching an online course at FRC.
Designing an Online Course
Explore FRC’s resources to ensure high-quality, engaging online courses.
Before the Semester Begins...
- Copy or import course materials into Canvas and update dates.
- Merge multiple course sections into a single Canvas course.
- Review the course design checklist for completeness.
- Ensure all links and videos are functional.
- Email students a week before the semester with syllabus and material details.
At the Beginning of the Semester...
- Post a welcome announcement.
- Direct students to tech support resources.
- Announce office hours and contact information.
- Remind students about the first assignment.
- Email inactive students to encourage participation.
- Complete Census Rosters with Admissions and Records.
During the Semester...
- Ensure regular and substantive interaction.
- Post weekly updates to clarify key concepts.
- Remind students of upcoming deadlines.
- Encourage students to attend office hours.
- Submit progress reports and intervene as necessary.
- Provide timely, constructive feedback on assignments.
At the End of the Semester...
- Encourage students to complete course evaluations.
- Post a final announcement summarizing the course.
- Finalize and post all grades promptly.
- Submit the SLOAC report, if required.
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