Distance Education
Adding a Closed Course
A "closed" course is one that has reached maximum enrollment. Students may not add closed courses without instructor consent.
Requesting to Add a Full Online Course
- BEFORE classes begin, consider enrolling in an in-person section of the course if the online section you wish to add is closed. Be sure to talk to your advisor about other courses that meet your needs and requirements.
- BEFORE classes begin, if you are still interested in taking the online section, talk to your advisor about how to reach out to the online instructor.
- BEFORE & AFTER classes begin, email the instructor at their frc.edu email address for a permission number to add. Include your full name, your FRC ID, and the specific course you'd like to add. If there is space and the instructor consents, they will email you back and inform the advisor and/or Admissions & Records Office. Instructors do not process student enrollments.
If you have questions, please contact your FRC Advisor.
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