Philosophy of Healthcare
•Beliefs About Society
Health care is the right of every member of society. The health care system is one that is open for the members to accept or refuse. Nurses are accountable to themselves and to society for providing safe care.
•Beliefs About Humanity
Humans are complex beings with physical, emotional, spiritual and psychosocial needs. This complexity requires all of us to choose health care responsibly.
Humans are capable of change regardless of the restrictions imposed by environmental and/or genetic influences. The capacity for change allows us to reach beyond basic physical needs.
•Beliefs About Health and Wellness
Health and wellness are dynamic states. Rather than being the absence of disease, wellness is functioning at the highest level of a person’s being. Human beings are driven to reach the highest level on the health/wellness continuum.
•Beliefs About Learning and Nursing Education
As professionals, nurses are involved in a lifelong learning process. The learning process is viewed as one that encourages active participation, self-awareness, and self-direction as a lifelong learner.
The nursing education process centers on the development of the student as an individual while utilizing past educational experience and various lifestyles. The Vocational Nurse is an important link in a nursing career delivering skilled nursing care to patients/clients in and out of the hospital setting.
•Trends of the Health Care System
Health care systems are in a transformational stage. Our population is aging, medical costs are rising,and chronic diseases are on the rise. While there is an emphasis on prevention of disease and increased nutrition, those working in the healthcare field must be flexible, be able to use technology, and give care in a cost-efficient way.
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