Nursing Apply
Admission Criteria
The application window for the Vocational Nursing Program was open from January 1 – March 31, 2024. For more information, please email doertle@frc.edu
The application period for the Vocational Nursing (VN) Program is now open! The next nursing student cohort will begin in the Fall 2024 semester.
The current pre-requisites for admission to FRC's nursing program include the courses below. Note that these courses need to have a grade of "C" or better and must have been completed within the last five years (at the time of application).
- BIOL 110: Human Anatomy
- BIOL 112: Human Physiology
- HES 170: Introduction to Nutrition
- NURS 100: Nurse's Aide - documentation showing completion of this requirement may be demonstrated by:
- Submitting a copy of a current CNA license, OR
- Submitting proof of course completion (official college transcript, or final certificate from the training facility)
- NURS 111: Dosage Calculations for Healthcare Providers
- NURS 118: Medical Terminology - not required, but highly recommended
Application Requirements
The Vocational Nursing Program application includes the following items:
- General Information: This includes your contact information, email address, and FRC 900#.
- Resume: Submit a resume showing your work and volunteer experience, and any other relevant information (current certifications, other registrations or trainings).
- Pre-Requisites: For each pre-requisite course, list where you took the course and the date it was completed. If any courses are planned or in progress, specify when they will be/are being taken and at which institution.
- Official Transcripts: Your high school AND all college transcripts need to be sent directly to Feather River College Admissions & Records Office at 570 Golden Eagle Ave, Quincy, CA 95971. These transcripts must be official.
- Personal Qualifications Statement: Write a brief essay addressing these questions: (1) Describe your interests and goals in healthcare. Why is this program for you? and (2) Describe how your experiences and/or achievements have prepared you for nursing school. Include what you feel are necessary qualities for a successful nurse, and demonstrate how you possess those qualities.
NOTE: The essay must be no more than two pages of 12-point font, double-spaced.
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