Emergency Medical Technicians
Career Opportunities
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) care for the sick or injured in emergency settings, and people’s lives often depend on their quick reaction and competent care. EMTs respond to emergency calls and care for patients while transporting them by ambulance to a hospital. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of EMTs and paramedics is expected to grow by 33 percent from 2010-2020, much faster than the average for all other occupations. The EMT training program at Feather River College is a one semester course that prepares students for the job and makes them eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians exam. Areas for employment and/or volunteerism may include: Fire Departments, Ambulance/Emergency Room, Health Clinic or Doctors' Offices, and Search and Rescue.
This is only a semester-long course and clinical facilities require the following before the student can go to the facility. Begin collecting or completing the following before the course starts as they must be provided to the clinical facility with 2 weeks of beginning the course.
- TB
- Completed Annual TB assessment and 1 of the following
- 2 step TB test or a 1 step if a record of TB/QUANTiferon with in the last year. A 2-step is one neg test followed by another within 1-3 weeks.
- CXR, if history of positive TB test
- Completed Annual TB assessment and 1 of the following
- Born before 1957 (assumed immunity)
- A Record of 2 vaccines
- A Titer showing immunity
- Begin vaccine series
- VARICELLA 1 of the following
- A documented history of chickenpox
- A Record of 2 vaccines
- A Titer showing immunity
- Begin vaccine series
- TDAP 1 of the following
- Record of vaccine in last 10 years
- Vaccine given
- HEPATITIS B 1 one of the following
- A record of series of 3 vaccines
- A Titer showing immunity
- Begin vaccine series
- INFLUENZA 1 of the following during flu season (Nov 1-Mar 31)
- Proof of receiving this season's vaccine ( a record or attestation)
- A signed declination (informed masking required in patient common areas for flu season
- Vaccine given
These vaccines are required for all health care workers, so the time to begin the series, receive titers from a clinic, or locate proof are essential prior the starting the course.
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