Carlie McCarthy
Chief Student Services Officer/CSSO
Phone: (530) 283-0202, ext. 273
Email: cmccarthy@frc.edu
Michelle Petroelje
Director of Student Equity & Achievement Programs
Phone: (530) 283-0202, ext. 316
Email: mpetroelje@frc.edu
Sean Harris
Academic Advisor/Recruiter
Phone: (530) 283-0202, ext. 324
Email: sharris@frc.edu
Stacey Svilich
Academic Success Advisor
Phone: (530) 283-0202, ext. 244
Email: ssvilich@frc.edu
Petr Kokes
Program Staff Specialist II
Phone: (530) 283-0202, ext. 313
Email: pkokes@frc.edu
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