Canvas Login Instructions

Before you can access Canvas you will need an FRC network account. To request an FRC network account please fill out the Network Access Request form.

Once you have a network account you can use your credentials to logon to on-campus computers, your FRC email account, and Canvas

You will receive an email once the account has been created. The email will include this information:

Your Username is: «USERNAME».  Your dfault password is a combination of x####y --  x represents the first letter of your first name (lower case), and y represents the first letter of your last name (lower case), and the four #s  are the last four digits of your student ID (starts with 900). Example for John Smith, FRC ID 900001234: j1234s.

If you do not know your student ID please contact Admissions & Records at, or call (530) 283-0202.

Email login page:
Canvas login page:

These links can also be found on the homepage under the "quick links" section.

It can take up to one business day after you Network Account has been created before you can access Canvas.

If you are still having issues after one business day please send a helpdesk request.

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