College & Career Fair 2024
September 17th, 2024 from 9:00am - 1:00pm

Feather River College will host the annual College & Career Fair for 11th and 12th grade students from Plumas and Sierra County service areas, as well as current FRC students. The fair will take place on the field in front of the Allied Health/Nursing parking lot on campus. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about local industries, regional colleges, FRC programs and resources, and more. This is an opportunity to speak with college and career representatives to gather information to help plan for life after graduation!
FRC student portion of fair is between 10am - 1pm
FRC students are encouraged to attend the Keynote Speaker at 10am and then explore the College & Career Fair portion afterwards from 11am-1pm on the field in front of the Allied Health/Nursing parking lot. For current FRC students, this is a great opportunity to learn about transfer institutions and local career opportunities.
Please note - this College & Career Fair is designed for BOTH local high school students and current FRC students to attend. FRC students DO NOT need to attend the breakout sessions, but are invited to the Keynote Speaker and fair portions.
Tentative Schedule (FRC Students)
Coming soon!
Schedule for High School Students Only
Group A: QHS & QCS
- 9:00 – 9:15a Arrive at FRC (lower practice field by Nursing building)
- 9:30 – 10:00a Participate in breakout session of choice
- 10:10 – 10:50a Key Note Speaker & Panel Discussion
- 11:00a – 12:00p College Fair
- 12:00 – 12:30p Lunch at the Perch
- Return to HS campus after lunch
Group B: Loyalton, Portola, Chester High
- 9:45a Arrive at FRC (lower practice field by Nursing building)
- 10:10 – 10:50a Key Note Speaker & Panel Discussion
- 11:00 – 11:30a Participate in breakout session of choice
- 11:30a – 12:30p College Fair
- 12:30 – 1p Lunch at the Perch
- Return to HS campus after lunch

Keynote Speaker: David James
David James attended FRC in 1982 because it was different from all the other colleges. He received his Bachelor’s degree from University of California, Santa Barbara and has been a Financial Advisor for 29 years now. David is an owner of Greenhorn Ranch and looks forward connecting with the community and expanding tourism to Plumas County.
Special Panel Discussion from Regional Industry Leaders!
Each panelist represents an important priority industry sector for the North State Region of California. These industries all feature job placement opportunities that students can take advantage of while earning their degree at FRC, and all of these sectors are academic pathways at our High Schools and are aligned to programs at Feather River College!
- Public Services: Frank - Emergency Services
- Manufacturing: Rita - Sierra Pacific Industries
- Business & Finance: Jeb - Plumas Bank
- Natural Resources: Erika - Plumas National Forest and USFS
1) How to get a FREE College Education - Director of Financial Aid
Located in room LRC 871 (Lower Library)
- Plumas Pipeline
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Co-Enrollment Opportunities
2) Building your Brand - Nick Maffei
Located in Science building (SCI 1002 & 1001)
- Gaining professional experience
- Building social capital
- Representing yourself on social media
- Creating an image of yourself for future employers & opportunities
3) So you want to be a college athlete? - Greg McCarthy
Located in Athletics Weight Training Room
- A former college athlete speaks to the challenges and successes he has experienced
- Will provide very helpful information on setting yourselves up for success as a college athlete
- Hear from a current college student-athlete on tips and tricks
4) CTE Programs & Pathways - Sean Harris
Located in Science building (SCI 1004)
- Overview of CTE pathways at college & high school levels
- Bachelor’s Degrees at FRC
- Why CTE programs are becoming so important at the college level
List of College & Career Fair Reps

Please note - this list is subject to change
- Azusa Pacific University
- Cal Maritime
- CSU Chico
- CSU Sacramento
- Feather River College
- Grand Canyon University
- Humboldt State University
- Simpson University
- Sonoma State University
- Southern Oregon University
- UC Berkeley
- UC Davis
- UC Merced
- UC San Diego
- UC Santa Cruz
- University of La Verne
- University of San Francisco
- University of the Pacific
- University of Montana Western
- University of Nevada, Reno; College of Ag, BioTech, and Natural Resources
- University of Nevada, Reno; College of Science
Please note - this list is subject to change
- California Fish & Wildlife
- CalFire
- California Highway Patrol
- Caltrans
- Far Northern NRC
- Great Basin Institute
- Head Start
- High Dessert State Prison
- Lassen County Sheriff's Office
- Nakoma Resort
- Plumas Bank
- Plumas County Behavioral Health
- Plumas County Probation Department
- Plumas County Public Works
- Plumas County Sheriff's Office
- Plumas Crisis Intervention & Resource Center
- Plumas District Hospital
- Plumas Rural Services
- Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative
- Plumas/Sierra Counties Department of Ag.
- Quincy Fire Department
- REMSA - Care Flight
- Sierra Buttes
- Sierra Pacific Industries
- USFS Plumas
- Air force
- Army
- Marines
Important Links & Resources
The Plumas Pipeline was created to assist Plumas County residents afford a college education at Feather River College. No time is too early or late to begin the Plumas Pipeline!
If you are in need of financial assistance, we can help! The Financial Aid Office’s mission is to provide all Feather River College (FRC) student’s educational opportunities through the delivery of federal and state financial aid and scholarship programs.
Feather River College is committed to engaging students in intentional, collaborative, supportive, and meaningful academic advising. Academic advisors/counselors will guide students toward their personal, education, cultural, and career goals so they may become empowered, self-directed life-long learners.
Not sure what your career might be? Take a quick career quiz on Pathway U to see where your passion lies.
Click here to start your quick career assessment through Pathway U!
If you are ready to apply, then let's get started - Click here to start the application process to FRC.
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