
GEOG 102: Physical Geography

This course is a spatial study of the Earth’s dynamic physical systems and processes. Topics include: Earth-sun geometry, weather, climate, water, landforms, geology, soil, and the biosphere. Emphasis is on the interrelationships among environmental and human systems and processes and their resulting patterns and distributions. Fall, Spring. 3 units.

GEOG 104: Cultural Geography

This course is an introduction to cultural geography through the study of global patterns of many aspects of human culture, including population, language, religion, urban and rural settlement, and ways of economic livelihood. Occasional. 3 units.

GEOG 125: World Regional Geography

Survey of the world's culture regions and nations as interpreted by geographers, including physical, cultural, and economic features. Emphasis on spatial and historical influences on population growth, transportation networks, and natural environments. Identification and importance of the significant features of regions. Occasional. 3 units.

GEOG 201: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

An introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) including basic principles as well as practices involving GIS. Students will learn about assessment of vector and raster data, scale, resolution, map projection, coordinate systems, georeferenceing, and Global Positioning Systems. In addition, students will learn how GIS facilitates interdisciplinary project approaches, methods of data collection and sampling methods, spatial analysis, project design, and implementation. Cross-listed with ENVR201. Spring. 3 units.

GEOG 291: Directed Study

A student may take advanced course work or complete a student designed project in Geography after having completed introductory courses. The topics, learning objectives, educational material(s), number of units to be awarded, and method of evaluation are determined in a written agreement between the instructor and the student before the student engages in the learning experience. A “Learning Contract for Directed Studies” must be completed by the student, approved by the instructor, and Chief Instructional Officer, and placed on file with the Office of Instruction. Occasional. Variable unit.

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