Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity

Creating Campus Community Event

May 14

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

The Green on FRC Campus

A lively gathering where diversity thrives, unity shines, and connections blossom!

Yes, that's what Creating Campus Community is all about!

What can you expect? Prepare to indulge in a feast for the senses with free lunch, toe-tapping music, and a kaleidoscope of games and activities. We invite each and every one of you—students, faculty, staff, clubs, teams, and programs—to join in the fun.

How can you get involved? Everyone is encouraged to showcase a slice of their culture through a traditional game (i.e., dominos and Puerto Rican culture), a beloved food or beverage, or another activity reflective of your culture! Simply shoot an email over to Michelle Petroelje, and we'll make sure there's a spot reserved just for you.

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready celebrate the beautiful mosaic that is our campus community. Please join in to celebrate your culture and enjoy a FREE lunch made by our fabulous Chef Sean, brought to you by the Diversity Committee and Mental Health Program.

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