Geography A.A.

Geography is the study of Earth phenomena, including an analysis of distributional patterns and interrelationships among these phenomena. Understanding the way our planet’s systems function and the tools, such as Geographic Information Systems, used to study them is increasingly important as humans and natural phenomena come into greater conflict in the context of growing global populations and a rapidly changing climate. Feather River College offers an Associate's Degree in geography.

Check out our prospective employment flier.

Please contact earth sciences faculty member Bridget Tracy, (530)283-0202 ext. 308 or , for more information.

Major Curriculum

Courses Units
GEOG 102 Intro to Physical Geography 3
GEOG 104 Intro to Cultural Geography 3
GEOG 125 World Regional Geography 3
ENVR/GEOG 201 Intro to Geographic Information Systems 3
ANTH 100 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3
GEOL 102 Intro to Physical Geology 4

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